Punny pun pun

Punny pun pun

Half the legs, twice the love

Half the legs, twice the love

The deep tea diver

The deep tea diver

Tetris jenga

Tetris jenga

Cops breaking traffic laws in Canada

Cops breaking traffic laws in Canada

When it wasn't what you expected

When it wasn't what you expected

Oh wow

Oh wow

Does that mean there's life after death?

Does that mean there's life after death?

Yup, this is legitimately legit

Yup, this is legitimately legit

Day 535 of your daily dose of cute: OMG I AM SOOOO SORRY!! :'( !! I'M SO SORRY GIF

Day 535 of your daily dose of cute: OMG I AM SOOOO SORRY!! :'( !! I'M SO SORRY
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