Super duper mad

People in my country came up with very creative jokes about the yugo

People in my country came up with very creative jokes about the yugo

Saw this on my Facebook

Saw this on my Facebook

Feels bad man

Feels bad man

Lujigi dont!

Lujigi dont!

Damn someone take me here!

Damn someone take me here!

This legend is 50 years old now. Can we make him feel our love and respect for making our

This legend is 50 years old now. Can we make him feel our love and respect for making our

10 Badass trees that refused to die

Forrest Gump Wasn’t Just The Story Of A Dumb Guy

Forrest Gump Wasn’t Just The Story Of A Dumb Guy

I am thinking of dressing up as a lawyer for Halloween

I am thinking of dressing up as a lawyer for Halloween
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