Alright. Removed watermark, kept the cabbage. How bou dah?

Alright. Removed watermark, kept the cabbage. How bou dah?

Open your eyes, sheeple

Open your eyes, sheeple



Well the only problem I need to get rid of

Well the only problem I need to get rid of

Dead and stupid can be pretty similar

Dead and stupid can be pretty similar

Because that's what real heroes do

Because that's what real heroes do

Neil Armstrong's family watching him launch to the Moon

Neil Armstrong's family watching him launch to the Moon



Lions were fed frozen blood during the heatwave in Melbourne

Lions were fed frozen blood during the heatwave in Melbourne

"Welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about

"Welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about
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