Why does no one talk about the fact that J. Jonah Jameson legitimately tried to save

Why does no one talk about the fact that J. Jonah Jameson legitimately tried to save

These men protect the last two remaining White Rhinos at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy

These men protect the last two remaining White Rhinos at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Gone but never forgotten

Gone but never forgotten

Excuse me, Sir. Meow

Excuse me, Sir. Meow

Using a hammer on a lollipop

Using a hammer on a lollipop

That's not an excuse

That's not an excuse

Nothing is sacred anymore

Nothing is sacred anymore

I clean houses for a living. This is by far my favorite thing to dust in all the houses!

I clean houses for a living. This is by far my favorite thing to dust in all the houses!

Let's go save the planet !

Let's go save the planet !


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