My mom next to this moderately sized cactus. Mom for scale

My mom next to this moderately sized cactus. Mom for scale

Am I doing Christmas right?

Am I doing Christmas right?



The ol' Police Academy reboot

The ol' Police Academy reboot

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

"Two scoops of snow and gravel, please!"

"Two scoops of snow and gravel, please!"

Be more like Jim... Jenerally

Be more like Jim... Jenerally

Couple spends a year trying to gain Scooby's trust (FeelGoodSubstance) VIDEO

Couple spends a year trying to gain Scooby's trust (FeelGoodSubstance)

Well if it isn't me, here to ruin my own life once again. (The consequences of my actions)

Well if it isn't me, here to ruin my own life once again. (The consequences of my actions)

The Cave at night is big and bright also at night

The Cave at night is big and bright also at night
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