

— princessmonstertru Report User
Biden has a way with women. Fortunately this person didn't feel the need to from and 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
A creep. Can you imagine if bad orange man would have done that to someone?
Maybe the freedom fries would taste better, too 17 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
also, the fry chef has to pay .50 more for the fries he purchases too....
Masks grant advantage 10 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I'm pretty sure the mortality rate of humanity is 100%. So in order to properly understand the risk, what we really should be measuring is # of days of life lost.
Cozy river house with a view 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
@ 103 deg f and 99% humidity .....
Sign from a protest in Charlotte, NC explaining double standards at play. Shot by 34 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I think that's true of some, but certainly not most
Sign from a protest in Charlotte, NC explaining double standards at play. Shot by 34 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Sorry, I knew what you meant. I must have woken up extra sarcastic today :/
Sign from a protest in Charlotte, NC explaining double standards at play. Shot by 34 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Logic doesn't count when you're a Nazi-racist though. Thats just how the rules work to many of them.
Power can be synonymous with inequality 22 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I'm so happy to see so many of you guys flat our reject this post.
I'm a white, self-made upper-middle class man and in 40 years i have never been to one of the meetings where "us racists & sexists" discuss how to strengthen the patriarchy or keep minorities poor.
But hey OP, thanks for blaming me for it.
Thanks I hate this an*logy 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I imagine the OP sitting in their air conditioned college classroom, sipping on a cold brew coffee from a trendy barista. Passionatly typing this post out on their $4000 mac book, using blistering fast internet access, without fear of governmental consequences as a result of disagreeing with the way things are. Then I imagine the bliss they must be experiencing. Blissful because of the Irony that their entire quality of life is possible because of the very thing they are mocking. Ignorant that the incredibly advanced doctors, epidemiologist, scientists, and nurses that are fighting the fight wouldn't be here without this same economic train.
But shame on me for stereotyping. I apologize.
I bet its because some people professionally judge books by their covers 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Bigger Question: Why do people insist on identifying large groups of people according the the actions of individual people?
I give maxwell 6 days before she dies of covid 19 breh 10 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Something to think about: the Maxwell arrest was all over Fox and conservative news but it was effectively absent from CNN and MSNBC on Friday when the story broke.
Based on that, who's guilty and who isn't?
I give maxwell 6 days before she dies of covid 19 breh 10 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Thank you. Well I hope they leverage Maxwell to spill her guts and throw ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE who participated in the pedophilia acts into prison for life, or worse. If it's Trumps, Clintons, Andrew, the people who did the dirty work.... I dont care who they are.
Wait just as golly darn minute here, folks... Your colors are showing 69 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Ha, i didnt see your first comma when I first read your post. I thought "famousone must be off his game if we disagree on this".
Wait just as golly darn minute here, folks... Your colors are showing 69 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I dont buy that "conservative" view for a second.
A typical conservative view would be to let the individual businesses decide and then live with the results (or adapt).
I give maxwell 6 days before she dies of covid 19 breh 10 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Can anyone point me to a source that makes even a semi reasonable link between Trump, and Epstine's atrocious pedophile ring?
I ask because Trump is many things, but I don't believe a pedophile is one of them.
How to boil a frog 101 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I hate to break it to you, but the media's pounding of Trump for Corona inaction has much more to do with the US election cycle than the realities of the white house handling of the virus.
I'm certainly not saying that the US responded perfectly, I'm only saying that it was reasonable compared to the rest of the world.
Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! 30 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Did the author seriously draw a parallel between a service business and general liberties? Plenty of businesses have chosen to require face masks for customers to enter. They can do the same
Where we're going we don't need uh .. murder hornets? 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Could it be that the media is greatly exaggerating stories in an effort to keep people in front of advertisements for the purpose of making money?
Won't somebody please think of the dandelions?! 14 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
So a weed is a matter of preference and free choice. And if you choose to call a dandelion a weed, then you're pretentious?
President Trump vs President Obama’s annotation style/handwriting 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Trumps note was a quote from Trumps impeachment hearing by a man named Gordon Sondland. Sondland was quoting Trumps words from a phone conversation that the two of them had regarding any dealings with the Ukrainian president. Trump wrote the quote down so he could read it at a press briefing word-for-word.
It's important because the Democratic witness, Sondland, stated that Trump explicitly asked for no quid-pro-quo which was the foundation of the entire Impeachment.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
Be hopeful 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Please please please, stop waiting for thing to improve. Go out and improve things yourself! It feels so good!
It's so crazy it just might work 9 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
That might just be the ticket!
Blur the redline 34 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Not borrow, gift.
F*cking Ancaps 8 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
There is a substantial difference between a stimulus package and socialism.
Something's wrong I can feel it 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Maybe so