

princessmonstertru Report User
Why critical thinking is important. 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I count 1 after your post.
We'll follow your lead on how to determine fact and fiction. I'm all ears....
I'm not struggling with depression. Depression is struggling with me. 18 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I think this is beautiful!
Stupid gravity pulling me down all the time. 86 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Your imagination seems intriguing and confusing all at once! Lol
The government is a pawn of Big Road 71 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
X, I agree with you that vaccine mandates are Orwellian. I disagree that we can't communicate about it. We don't have to play in anyone's spin of the situation. We can define the details in our 1 on 1 conversations.
I've also seen what happens when families get covid. They're ill for a couple days, they're tired for a couple weeks, then they're normal again. It's a mistake to take our individual experiences and assume the rest of the world is the same.
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
In China, land is technically owned by the government, and it's use is distributed to everyone based on their need.....
But who decides what they need?
What I'm suggesting is that you're technically correct. But at the end of the day, the elite still make all of the decisions.
Stupid gravity pulling me down all the time. 86 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Thanks, It was kind of a stretch lol.
The government is a pawn of Big Road 71 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
There is a logic brakedown in the Vax vs ant-vax debate.
1) Pro-Vax does NOT = pro mandate.
2) pro-Vax is arguing the ideology that if you care about people you would Vax. Vax-choice is counter arguing that the risk of covid does not necessitate vaxinating.
Until we can articulate and agree on what exactly we're debating, this thing is going to be like playing chess with a pigeon.
Stupid gravity pulling me down all the time. 86 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
In 2020 the crevasses got .001% deeper and the 4 foot stairs got 1/4" narrower for older and unhealthy people. Now, technology has produced a vaccine that widens the stairs by 1/8" and lessens the ravine by. 000%..
I support vaccines, this ine included. I believe the benefits outweigh the risks for a lot if people. It should be noted that 1/3 of the previously recommended vaccines is no longer recommend because it did things to people that they didn't intend. Also, the companies who made the covid vaccines insisted on immunity from lawsuit against unintended side effects for some reason. Oh, and the pharmaceutical companies that made the shots have paid billions in 3 of the 10 larges lawsuits in history.
All I'm saying is to just let each one of us assess the risk of losing 1/8" of a staircase vs mandating a vaccine for what is statistically a very...very small risk for the young and healthy.
Yeah, what is up with tha? 8 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Wait, did Alexander just try to suggest that it's the poor rock stars who are the victims?
Spotify spends 70% of it's music revenue to pay musicians. They spend a small fraction of that on their podcast creators. There is no imbalance there.
Neil Young exercised his right to withdraw. Everyone else can too.
Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! 30 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
We spend the time foghting unproven mandates because tyrannical power is a slippery slope. Human history is full of cultures willing to give up their rights if they feel afraid enough.
Why else would we be seeing such a fierce objection to alternative ways to combat covid?
Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! 30 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
2 years in, and masks are still unproven. Things like personal hygiene, a healthy diet, and regular exercise are absolutely proven to aid in living through covid but I don't recall ever hearing a politician even recommend that (other than the very beginning of covid).
Covid has been politically weponized in an attempt to redraw voting bases. The long game is the same as it's been for centuries which is to retain and gain power. People would be smart to exercise a little critical thinking every time a person in power speaks.
Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! 30 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Guest, I realize you wrote this a year ago but it still holds true today. That's a testament to it's validity. I don't recall ever reading these responses but it's interesting to do so now after a year or so.
My beef with these mandates is that 1. They don't involve the legislature. And 2. They put the inforcement on businesses.
Now, in 2022, we are looking at vaccine mandates that again are to be enforced by businesses which even further infringes on freedoms.
My proposal: pass a law! Make elected officials put their vote on the record. Then, put the responsibility of enforcement. Seat belts, helmets, clothes, haroin....are all legally enforced by trained police officers. Declaring an emergency power and mandating that the hostess at Applebee's enforce a mask or verify a vaccine card is both chicken $hit and over stepping elected power.
· Edited 3 years ago
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about income? 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
It appears people confuse 'rights' with envy. The idea that everyone should get to live whatever lifestyle they want, just because they want it is obsurde. They better settle in on the idea that their life outcome depends mostly on them or life is going to be pretty tough.
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about income? 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Oops, I meant that to be a new comment, not a reply to you.
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about income? 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
We all get to choose how we live our lives. It sounds like you're just not happy with the amount of work it will take to get there.
If you think rich kids have it easier, you're wrong. Their challenges are as difficult as anyone's, they're just different.
People should strive to be as good as rats 30 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Ha. Agreed!
People should strive to be as good as rats 30 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
If you hang out with people who would not stop to open the cage of a crying human being, it's time to surround yourself with some new people.
Rats are not more compassionate than humans. Get off your soapbox and go outside and talk to people.
We're not gonna make it, are we? 10 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Is that a real quote?
We're not gonna make it, are we? 10 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
You just need to turn off the news.
Descriptively write down the fears you have about the future in this very moment. Put that paper along with the last 5 covid media headlines from the weekend into an envelope and put it in a drawer. Set yourself a reminder for late May to open it and read it.
It's never as bad as the media make it sound! They are in the fear promotion business! Nobody clicks and reposts a story about how everything will be just fine so enjoy your life.
The stages of wine 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
So that meme author can imagine a deadly revolution where the side who owns 99% of the weapons loses? They should write for hollywood.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
The Binger effect 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
That trigger finger was my first thought too. I'm so glad to see the comments!
So cool! 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
You two beat me to it also lol
Freedom is the only waaaaaay 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I'm not arguing the morality of it. Just pointing out a technicality.
Freedom is the only waaaaaay 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
There has to be established laws in order for something to be illegal.
Can we get a "*** the CCP?" 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
China's response to Biden's town hall:
“When it comes to issues related to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and other core interests, there is no room for China to compromise or make concessions, and no one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” - Wang.
So it played out exactly like this meme suggested :(