

Artist, chef, adventurer.
One eye on the strobelight, one eye on the road.

— Properchaos Report User
First day out on patio patrol did not end well 5 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Game over man, game over!
I’m standing in Walmart and I honestly don’t know what to do here. What if it works 3 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Don't. My brother had one of these burning at Thanksgiving, and the smell is absolutely disgusting
snort 2 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
She is the final boss karen
Is this useless? Probably. Is it satisfying? Definitely 4 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
I could say something clever about the voting ballot system, but im tired. And me head hurts
This guitar has been known to produce the sweetest riffs in the Galaxy! 3 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Can do "Stairway to Heaven" in 12 parsecs
She's the best Catwoman, ever! 4 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Eartha Kitt for me
I know I said pineapple pizza is good, but on burgers?? Nope 9 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
I'm old enough to remember the hula bur ger at McDonald's
They used to laugh and call him names. 5 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
That nose even redder now
Worth it 7 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
And that's how he died
Very special agent 12 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Karens, meet your new freenemy. Let's call her Sandi
*Bends over* 5 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Never gets old
Fresh Baked Berry Muffins (this is sfw but it's just a plate of muffins) 23 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Still thinking about these muffins
Spider-Gwen (Into the Spider-Verse) Cosplay by Shirogane 6 comments
properchaos · 3 years ago
Spidey sense is tingling
There is someone in lab forgot proper clothes today 7 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
What are in the cabinets that need so many locks!?!?!?
There is someone in lab forgot proper clothes today 7 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
What are in the cabinets that need so many locks!?!?!?
Wish me luck boiss 12 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
Going to invite you all to the wedding if we ever get out of this
Asking a life changing question tomorrow 13 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
She said yes!!!!!
Asking a life changing question tomorrow 13 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
She said yes!!!!!
I forgot to post this... 12 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
Happy cake day!
I always wondered why it's called a trunk 4 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
For the British, a boot
What else does Dean know? 1 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
Dean Koontz wrote this book 1981
Press F to pay your respects 22 comments
properchaos · 4 years ago
F. Goodest boy, Max have fun chasing Bonkers and Taco the destructor