

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.

— Publius_Cornelius_ Report User
First post in a while 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
It's a choice though. There hasn't been a draft since Vietnam right? And the benefits are tremendous. Also, you have a lot more freedom than people think.
First post in a while 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
It's more like you represent the military when in uniform and if you're seen at a political event in uniform, it might suggest to people that the military is partial to a certain political party. The military isn't supposed to be partial.
Boot recall 9 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Heil hydra
· Edited 8 years ago
First post in a while 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
But as far as the flag goes chu I think is right.
First post in a while 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Actually I think it is illegal to display political beliefs in uniform when you're in the military. Like if a sailor went to a trump or Hilary rally in any navy uniform. Something like that.
What have I discovered? (Don't unhide this if you're at work or school) 25 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
But guys give themselves hand jobs all the time? See my confusion?
What have I discovered? (Don't unhide this if you're at work or school) 25 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Would it be gay if a guy gave himself a bj?
It's already getting better 35 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
If you meet a dwarf from the chronicals of narnia you'll curb stomp them? You're out of your mind dude.
My job is just the worst 10 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
But I like it when they don't shave the "womanly" parts.
God blesses those biceps 8 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
I'm assuming buttscarleton is joking
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
What I think op meant was that guns kill. So did everyone else, since it was so explicit. That means humans and animals included. But cloyd used a gun that can barely kill anything. It's more of a toy than a hunting tool. So I think it would have been a better post on cloyd's part if he used a gun that fires actual bullets that can really do some damage. That's it. I still don't know that you're point is.
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Since it's not specified, it's safe to assume he means people too. And in either case, my original point was that cloyd should have just used an actual firearm which can actually kill things instead of an air gun which really can't kill anything bigger that a humming bird.
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
I guess so but my questions still stand.
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
of course. I hunt hogs once a year. Are you suggesting that the josh guy is only talking about hunting? You don't think that saying a gun is solely a tool of death doesn't imply killing humans also? Seems to me most anti-gun posts do.
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
And when you mention guns and death, don't you think people killing people is sort of implied?
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Exactly. So just show it with a real gun then. Is there any reason not to?
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
BB guns don't kill people. The josh dude is talking about firearms which can kill people.
'Murica 18 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
That's a bb gun
Trench coats can do wonders 38 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
I am serious.
Trench coats can do wonders 38 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Now to be REALLY sexy u gatta get you a duster
Pepperidge farm remembers! 12 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
How old was the kid? If he was 4 or 5 I think I can understand the confusion.
God blesses those biceps 8 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Omg. Obama was trash. Why do people worship him? Ligitimate question.
We still don't know what's in it 12 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Does she not like gifts?
Planet x 13 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
According to Sumerian clay tablets translated by Zachariah Sitchen, the planet is called Nibiru and a race of aliens called the Annunaki came to earth from Nibiru 100,000 years ago to tamper with pre-human primate DNA to create humans to mine gold which can apparently repair the atmosphere on Nibiru. Like my runoff sentence?
Another reason to be gay 14 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 8 years ago
Why don't you just buy your own condoms?