There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.
— Publius_Cornelius_ Report User
true courage 18 comments
· 7 years ago
That's because there's waaaay more radical muslims than there are Christian radicals. The numbers don't even comapare. And Christian sexists are sexists because they're assholes. Muslims sexists are sexists because Muhammud told them to be.
Makes sense economically 17 comments
· 7 years ago
It depends if it's old or New Testament. New Testament always trumps Old Testament in the eyes of christians.
Literally 7 comments
How embarrassing 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Dude if I was as rich as they were I'd dress like Henry VIII. Some ermine, silk, velvet and cloth-of-gold. Like a damn king.
I am above the law!! 12 comments
Scale of light pollution 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Sadly, it's super difficult for ppl to understand what they aren't seeing in the night sky when they haven't been past the suburbs.
I'm making a lot of almost ddof and fun fact fridays so I'll be back soon! 39 comments
· 7 years ago
Lol It does sound like forest gump. I thought it sounded like a mix between an Irish and American southern accent.
I'm making a lot of almost ddof and fun fact fridays so I'll be back soon! 39 comments
· 7 years ago
If anyone is interested in hearing the accent.
If anyone is interested in hearing the accent.
I'm making a lot of almost ddof and fun fact fridays so I'll be back soon! 39 comments
· 7 years ago
People in Tangier, Virginia have been isolated from everyone and decended directly from 17th century English settlers so it's speculated that their accent is the closest to the original English accent. Even as an American from the southwest it's kinda hard for me to understand them.
Time rolls on 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Honestly I think that once you start hanging around people your own age when you're out of high school after a while they'll stop being attractive.
Be Fair 72 comments
· 8 years ago
"We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they ascribe unto Allah partners, for which no warrant hath been revealed. Their habitation is the Fire, and hapless the abode of the wrong-doers." Quran. sura 3:151
"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)." Quran. sura 9:123.
"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. But if they cease, then lo! Allah is Seer of what they do." Quran. sura 8:39.
For those who think carne_asada is wrong.
Edited 8 years ago
"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)." Quran. sura 9:123.
"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. But if they cease, then lo! Allah is Seer of what they do." Quran. sura 8:39.
For those who think carne_asada is wrong.
Be Fair 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Also there's many things wrong with Muhammud that hardly anyone knows about. Like the fact that he was a pedophile. Look up Ansaar volume 5, book 58, numbers 234-236 if you don't believe me.
Be Fair 72 comments
Just the US, doing what we do best 61 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah they used nazi Germany lyrics instead of the current version.
Edited 8 years ago
Yeah they used nazi Germany lyrics instead of the current version.
I wonder how they are going to get around this 53 comments
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
Guess who's back 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Caesar was deified after his death by his nephew Augustus. Augustus also claimed that his family was descended from Aeneas, leader of the Trojan survivors, and therefore had divine blood since Venus was said to be Aeneas' mother.
Weeping angel from a different perspective 9 comments
J.K. Rowling citing her own fiction 29 comments
J.K. Rowling citing her own fiction 29 comments
J.K. Rowling citing her own fiction 29 comments
It's a blatant lie 7 comments