

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.

— Publius_Cornelius_ Report User
Sad times 5 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Every weekend
Listen to Superman 9 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
She looks like she’s 15
And chocolate milk comes from brown cows 11 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
As opposed to a deer not killed by humans? U think they just live in nature and don’t get killed by anything other than old age?
Picture of my grandfather when he was 19 6 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Damn boy do a couple of push ups
So I went out and found Baby Trump today 43 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Hhhmmmmmmmmm your guess is as good as mine, friend.
Greatest family picture of all time 6 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Hot mom
So I went out and found Baby Trump today 43 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Definitely in top 5 most ridiculous things I’ve seen this year.
The secret to long life 5 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
I see, so it’s like falling asleep?
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
My school district has its own police. There were like 6 cops at my high school. They got their own station and cruisers too. Similar idea I guess
Welcome to earth mordor 4 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Fuck, now all the deadly shit in Australia is working together
Bit of a shitty situation 7 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Justice has been served
The less you see the better 17 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
I used to sleep with my door open but my cat kept coming in my room and bitting my feet n shit
Who drinks it out of a bag?? 15 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
They do it with coke in Mexico.
This guy lighting his cig at the World Cup 6 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Bro tf I get one of them bad boys?
You can say that the BEEF is on 5 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
The king has spoken
Got robbed 7 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
They stole his fridge?
World Cup beautiful women from around the globe 6 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
The Korean ones look 16
"probably" 6 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
No shit
What do you think of this 5 euro coin 20 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Looks futuristic as fuck
Kinda brings hunger games to mind
7 · Edited 6 years ago
You can make fun of the minions, it's okay 12 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Damn how many nazis are on Twitter?
Just believe people 13 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
How so?
Just believe people 13 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
How come?
Must be sucks being his siblings 4 comments
publius_cornelius_ · 6 years ago
Holy shit his sperm must be worth millions