

— punchmunchkin Report User
Simmer well pupper 158 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Simmer well, pupper
The ghost cube 3 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Stop it already and do something useful 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
The guys face at the end is the best
Plot twist 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
I mean they COULD just number them
A 4.5-foot flying push up 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
What is this madness
I hope so. (NSFW because Fantastic Beasts spoilers) 8 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Only my soul? How about THE ENTIRETY OF MY BEING they are so cute together I hope they get together
There would be more trees everywhere 12 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Green fluorescent protein! GFP! My favorite thing in the world!
Evan 12 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
This is really powerful, I've never seen it before
9 · Edited 7 years ago
This is funny; there's not a trace of doubt in my mind about it 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her
If I tried
Cows are very large friends 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
This is so sweet
Wall covered in dinosaur footprints 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
That's rad
Hit the lights 6 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Yeah he thought women were inferior and belonged at home and stuff
Leave flowers in a vase containing highlighter fluid and shine a UV light, and voilĂ ! 3 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Ooh I wonder if different colors would work!
I'm really craving some pasta right now 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
This pun wins
In a lot of movies 20 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Or Pedro
Young troll being adorable 5 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Or trying to anyway. In the full video, the dad is so nervous and the baby keeps scaring him by crying and laughing. I'll see if I can find a link.
18 · Edited 7 years ago
I love these kinds of memes 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Yes please :D
Beautiful. 3 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
This is what I aspire to be
Pacman, you better run 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
This is sooo cool!
What kind of doge is it ? 14 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
No it's not it's obviously a hamster
We need to accept them for being boring 6 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Isn't it called like Atlanta or something?
You never know who's sitting in front of you 8 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
This is wonderful
Smash my face with a hammer 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
... you're being sarcastic right
Just a normal day in Germany 5 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
I live right outside there!