

— punchmunchkin Report User
School kid drops a firecracker down the sewer 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
That methane lights right up man
South African anti-hijacking flame thrower device 10 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Well that’ll certainly get the job done
Burns better than the sun 2 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
CALLED OUT daaaamn
No one wants to touch a toilet seat 19 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Why doesn’t everybody just put the seat and lid down when they’re done. That way, nothing falls in, and everyone has to equally touch the yucky seat at some point instead of just guys having to deal with it. Fair.
Middle school 53 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Middle school 53 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
This is so accurate it hurts
God Said: "He is a good boy." 2 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
And it was so
Nipple ring FTW 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Ah thank you, I am just way out of the loop then lol
Alter ego 6 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
That’s what i was trying to say, sorry if there was a misunderstanding. I was trying to explain that the body you were operating in was exactly the same as the one you operate in today, so it’s like a clone, not that it’s a different person inside.
Nipple ring FTW 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Wait what? Is he going to just like pull down his partners’ shirt or something? What is happening
Alter ego 6 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Not necessarily. There is no one on earth who has the exact same genome as you, not even identical twins because of epigenetics. The cells of the person who made those mistakes contained your genes, but all those cells are gone now. Therefore, it was not a different person who made the mistakes, but instead more of a clone of yourself.
Rival biker gangs 3 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
What a conundrum. Which gang should I join?
Mummified dog stuck in a tree. 14 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
This is like Life of Pi
Powerful. 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
*shakily* man’s not hot
Badger badger badger badger 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Snaaaaake, it’s a snake
This is true love 2 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Can someone please explain what a greggs pasty is
He kinda does 5 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
What’s wrong with homeless women
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Well this is a good idea 6 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
I studied this at Duke over the summer. It’s a very appealing idea, but unfortunately it would not be successful because the lights are not very bright and they require a disturbance to activate, such as when you put your hand in the water and stir it, disturbing the zooplankton and causing them to produce GFP to glow. As there is no efficient way to “disturb” a tree, it would not function.
Sure, that's how math works 8 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
It’s the “Penny or Other Currency Combination of Equal Value Challenge”
That's not how it works. 6 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
This is so accurate and on point that it hurts
REKT 18 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
1) transferring the crisis away from those who can’t handle it is not a bad thing
2) I did, but unfortunately I can’t speak for others, not to mention that last election was literally just “choose the lesser of two evils”
3) I never said they were “cheap” or “submissive.” I am not insulting them. I am insulting my fellow citizens who complain about their jobs being stolen, when in reality they are simply too lazy to get off their ass and work. I admire immigrants. They have the courage to start a new life leaving everything behind, and they don’t mind the hard labor or the bad treatment they receive from my fellow citizens. I am proud to call immigrants, illegal or not, my friends.
REKT 18 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
1) they come to America in hopes of a new life because their life in their country sucks
2) most have been trying for years to get proper paperwork but their governments have prevented it
3) they are not “stealing American jobs,” they are being hired like a regular person to do the jobs that actual Americans are too snooty and high-up to do.
I am an American and I do not understand why everybody has such a huge problem with immigrants, after all, our forefathers certainly didn’t sign “paperwork” when they immigrated to America and slaughtered the Natives. We are a nation of immigrants.
*uses blood bending powers* GET BACK UP THERE! 16 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Idk why @peachypersimmon is getting downvotes. The struggles of a wife are just as valid as the struggles of a husband. That’s what a relationship is, you struggle for eachother and share in each others’ triumphs.
Need more men like this 73 comments
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Seriously though, acting “meh” like it’s no big deal is what I as a girl would want. This seems so over the top, and while it would be nice, I’d be so embarrassed. It’d be better if you just said “need any help?” And offer cleaning supplies and maybe food, ask if she’s ok, but don’t coddle. She can take care of herself and some girls don’t like to be babied.