The wavy building in Seoul called the GT tower! 1 comments
· 4 years ago
What does the GT stand for?
I don't know you 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Had I not seen this comment I would I have reported also. I will maintain the same stance as you.
When Big Woman is knighted 1 comments
lips 2 comments
· 6 years ago
For anyone who didnt get it at first like me, the jumper licked the instructors lips at first
Hate it when this happens 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Licking lips referring to the customer licking the waiters lips instead of his own in anticipation
Today is the remembrance day of the fallen soldiers at Gallipoli (103 years) 3 comments
· 6 years ago
I actually visited the museum in Europe where this collision is suspended
What is this horse thing all about 10 comments
Now THAT is a manly motorcycle! 10 comments
"scientific" humour 5 comments
· 7 years ago
The issue is that since everything was in a spacecraft the ant wouldn’t gain any extra energy by jumping in the opposite direction of travel. Like throwing a ball upwards while in a car, it goes strait up and then back down even when the car is moving. The direction of the vehicle is automatically applied to anything moving within it. Therefore no matter how’s fast or in which direction of travel no aunt could break the back of an elephant. Also the lack of air pressure wouldn’t lead to a lesser oxygen intake and kill everything through suffocation. I admire the idea of the joke though.
This gyroscope 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I looked into the physics of gyroscopes And this is correct. Another accepted answer is ‘angular momentum’
I love this underrated show 14 comments
I love this underrated show 14 comments
· 7 years ago
No opinion here and nothing against but why did you feel the need to share this info?
A class act 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Now if I’ve done my math correctly, there is approximately 15 games per stack. 4 stacks makes 60 games. At a payment of $2,100, that makes each game $35 average. That’s half the average retail price for most of those games. I want to know where she’s buying! Gotta get me some merch!
Prove them wrong 48 comments