One of the hardest languages 17 comments
· 9 years ago
english is a kitten in the grammar land? whaaAaaaaaaat, James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher is a legitamite sentence! get outta here english is easy
Meet Australia's more awesome eagle 34 comments
· 9 years ago
driving home saw the wedgie sitting in a tree, looked like a twig compared to it. Best birds
Lets see how this goes 90 comments
· 9 years ago
will smith only boycotting cause he isnt a very good actor anymore and didnt do a good enough job to deserve an oscar
Fat kooka 2 comments
The largest water park 9 comments
· 9 years ago
..... so google the iage and its actually a photoshop of jakarta flooding, but thats cool, lets just ignore a city flooding and make it a happy photo about fake water parks, jerk
A murmuration of migrating starlings form the shape of a whale as they cross the sky 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet.
USA should do this 21 comments
I know I do 14 comments
USA should do this 21 comments
· 9 years ago
imperial is so dumb. who uses 3/16? no one thats who... 4.76mm which is rounded to 5mm and fits in the same damn hole! if your smallest unit of measure is of somthing as long as the first knuckle of your thumb then you need to really re-evaluate your precision. does explain why american build quality is so shoddy...
I know I do 14 comments
This guy was Oscar material as a kid 17 comments
Mean piglet attacks big dog 14 comments
If you love something that breaks, fix it don't throw it away 7 comments
· 9 years ago
well thats what you get for putting nitro in a car that cant handle high compression... or too much nitro as well. It's easier to turbo, run em at 6psi, and pull out as much weight as you can, still need to update ecus and stuff anyway to do ntiro properlly, may as well get somthing beast like a turbo
If you love something that breaks, fix it don't throw it away 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Stoner you are a stoner, Celica and Supra were same car in mk1 and mk2 supra generations but then toyota wanted to change celica to fwd and supras still were rwd so they changed them to two seperate chassis and thus the mk3 supra with 7mgte was born (engine thats in my turbo mk2 swap) where-as this is actually a mk3 Celica which still ran RWD and had the independant trailing arms much like the mk2 supra of the same era (because they are the same car up to the front A-Pillars which then change to either mk3 celica or mk2 supra (supra is 4inch longer than celica)).... I'll post a photo of one of my supras somewhere and you kids can admire its beauty. ALSO GTS Celica ftw
If you love something that breaks, fix it don't throw it away 7 comments
· 9 years ago
yeah but its not the celica supra! still nice to see some love for the RA65
$15 Porshe 10 comments
· 9 years ago
You joke, but this happened a few years ago in Melbourne... Seriously Lady sold a porsche for $100 for somthing of the similar reason. Apparently it sold and gone by half 6 in the morning on the saturday it was advertised in the paper. My friend missed out by like a half hour, she was one of about 30 others who had called that lady by then though
The biggest challenge will be getting men to wear it on a date 23 comments
· 9 years ago
why should people have to use the nail polish? why cant others just not date rape?