Larry brown 15 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
I find it sad that people so skilled in the written language find it perfectly fine that anyone would kill themself.
Larry brown 15 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all end.
Just grocery shopping 14 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
Starfuckedmodel , such a sweet swedish girl <3
I am so stupid 81 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
I slammed a crochetneedle into my hand trying to give my Action man a pierced ear...
They had to take me into surgery..
I've just been content and complacent 47 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
I've just been content and complacent 47 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
Thank you!<3<3
I've just been content and complacent 47 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
Today!! I an about to be a father to a beautiful baby daughter!!
It's Like A Zebra Seal 2 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
It's not rare at all.
My life in a nutshell 12 comments
quekewatzo · 6 years ago
In my country you need papers to work on constructions. You need an education in Constructions.
Just in case you wanted to know 15 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
We also have Ærlig, Østen, Åse. (Aerlig, oesten, Aase).
Three last letters of our alphabet
He doesn't have to take it too seriously 49 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Did it?
Triboluminescence is the effect of light being emitted when something is broken 4 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
This is Fractoluminescence. Not Triboluminecsence.
You're not a real bisexual 31 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Dont clap call clap yourself clap bisexual clap if clap youve clap never clap fucked clap a clap bicycle clap
If I was a shark, I'd become a singer and name myself Sharkira 9 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
You do know that chinese chefs use sharkskin as a grater?
"For preparing wasabi and yamaimo, graters with the surface made from shark skin were exclusively used. These have an even finer grating surface than a metal one; much closer to a sanding paper. "
You'll be strong and stronger 7 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
She is so hot.
I love round butts and I cannot lie 4 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Fries wrapped with bacon 23 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Bacon is the ONLY things proven to enhance every things you putt it on or in .
Norwegian Forest Cat 8 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Yep. I have two genuine NFC, and this is not one.
Norwegian Forest Cat 8 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
That is a Maine coon.
Sounds like me 2 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Actually he does something sneaky! He sends out feromones wich make the other males think he is a female, and they ball around him, so he heats up faster! The sneaky little f*cker! Wich put him back into the matinggame!
Y'all are so Texas 7 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Guest is fun at parties.
My cat just made these! What should I call them? 54 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
They were named (from left to right, top, midle, bottom)
Oreo, Birk, Simba, Figaro, Fluffy
Dear parents and potential parents 30 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Stribe to be a notorious cheater and wifebeater! Wooh.
;_; my heart 16 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
Hm.. i thought cancerpatiens were not alowed to donate organs...
Everyone is asleep and I've been laughing at this photo for ages lmaoo 7 comments
quekewatzo · 7 years ago
I don't see the problem.