User quirkycupcake Banned
Where you at 6 comments
· 11 years ago
One time at a school camping trip in the fifth grade I told a scary story, everyone was a little freaked out going to sleep which made me feel proud of my story telling skills but the one thing that made me regret it was in them idle of the night I herd a loud wailing common g from far away. I gave a boy nightmares and he woke up screaming and crying so loud I could hear him from two cabins away. He said he was scared from the story and everyone blamed me.
Edited 11 years ago
Me trying to get a girl 12 comments
Trust issues 5 comments
· 11 years ago
The phone on the left I have that phone it was punishment for loosing the last one
Justin John Bieber 10 comments
A true scientist 4 comments
"You look so cute in this dress !" 6 comments
The 2 dollar ghost 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Lol u didn't know that?! Do u live in the u.k. Cause that is the only way I can think of as a valid reason for not knowing this.
The 2 dollar ghost 19 comments
9 Amazingly Designed Houses 9 comments
What? 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Her face just says "whatever man, I don't know what the big deal is."
Floor changes 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Wednesday has been canceled due to scheduling errors. This concludes the community calendar section I bring you now to THE WEATHER.
I love w.t.n.v.!!!!!!
I love w.t.n.v.!!!!!!
What's the color of your pee? 15 comments
· 11 years ago
How do you know there's no such thing as purple urine????? What if(or is it a matter of when) my pee suddenly becomes purple?? How will I know what is wrong with me??????? How dare you!! MY FUTURE PURPLE URINE IS OFFENDED!!!!!
You're beautiful 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Smooth as fuck. Do you mind if I steal this one? -not that I would ever work up the nerve to talk to my crush.
The lies! 31 comments
· 11 years ago
Same foes for Jenna marbles! She looks good without makeup! And wearing heavey makeup can cause or worsen acne. Actually other than some red spots she looks the same to me.
Edited 11 years ago
the real thing 19 comments