Seriously anyone know what kind of doggie this is? 11 comments
· 8 years ago
looks like a caucasion shepard (aka: russian bear dogs, bred to attack bears)
~But what do I know~ 26 comments
· 9 years ago
So the truth!!! Give me a shirtless guy I'm jello (Yes even guys who aren't ripped). Guy in a tight shirt I'm drooling. Baggy shirt and baggy jeans equals dork. Sorry guys. You like short skirts - I like tight shirts. When you where one I'll wear the other.
Present buying is easy 4 comments
I see no problem 45 comments
· 9 years ago
totally would do it if i had the money to burn. lots of people at the movies are douches
You can only choose one pill. Choose wisely! 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Brown - would know who to trust or avoid
Purple - because I always wanted to
Red - I am a socially awkward almost thirty single woman - being charming and extra hot would solve this
Purple - because I always wanted to
Red - I am a socially awkward almost thirty single woman - being charming and extra hot would solve this
Sexagintuple vanilla bean mocha frap 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Now they have a cap on how much a drink can cost and still be free, just to warn you
Book Nightclub . . . I need this in my life. 13 comments
yeah 30 comments
· 10 years ago
I beleive this is feminism. You can't tell me feminism means equality. I have had so many classmates and teachers in college who have preached on feminism to make me to ever beleive that those women want or beleive in equality. Equalism and tolerance are what is needed in our world. Not someone preaching that any one sex, race, or belief is better than any other.
Edited 10 years ago
yeah 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Men are not PIGS!!! Your an Idiot and you and women like you should see a doctor for mental illness. AND I can say this because I am a woman. Just because a guy doesn't want to deal with your (GREAT) amount of crazy doesn't mean all men are pigs. From that statement your a hateful person.
No shit Sherlock 32 comments
· 10 years ago
I completely agree with her. Many feminists preach equality but in fact act against equality. If we are equal to men, then either a mom or dad can be a stay at home parent without criticism. Its our choice as adult individuals to choose what we value and will put our focus on. I respect parents who focus less on themselves (such as there career, money, & image) and instead focus on their child's welfare and happiness.
This just happened, I had no idea what to do untill his mom came and got him 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd call the cops. If the kids isn't being watched and that's neglect. Plus it would really mess up the parents' life, which is fitting since they are not doing their job: being parents.
Truth: Any questions? 65 comments
· 10 years ago
Living in an impoverished area, most of the 47 million is people who are abusing the system. I have no problem if you have a medical (mental or physical) problem and need assistance, you have the right to receive help. The problem is I have met people who their life plan is to abuse the system and see nothing wrong with it. Need extra cash, have a kid. That's these girl's life goal; and the assistance they get doesn't go towards their children's needs or even their own self needs like food, shelter or medicine, instead it goes towards drugs, manicures, and iPhones (as an example). That is my current generation of young adults who are in their mid twenties.