

— rachee Report User
Comrade catfish 6 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
shouldn't it say in the voice of james earl jones this is cnn
Your story is just untold 4 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
yup no one thinks a lion is glorious ride. or have they learned to write?
graffiti by a Japanese artist 17 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
this is absolutely true trump is a racist i got a friend whose father was dating a girl that had a sister that dated a guy who was a room mate of a kkk member that say trump's father was at a rally.who cares if he is or isn't he is doing what's in the best interest of america not whats in the best interest for his legacy.
Illegal immigrant wall 4 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
i agree with guest make the wall out of trump supporters let them have there guns and tell them kill anything invading the country the border will be secure.
Hmm.... Yep seems legit 5 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
what do you expect its cnn this is the closest they have come to real news all year it is a pic of mars at least
Internet police 13 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
she isn't brave and beautiful he is ugly and should be in jail but that's america these day a man kills some one and wins woman of the year and idiots clap themselves on the back for being so ahead of the curve.
It's okay 7 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
see the democrats are right about banning guns
It even makes the classic song more awesome 6 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
i was alive but we didn't realize he wouldn't be there forever.who would of thought a god could die.
Something You Probably Didn't Know About Hungary 18 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
being Hungarian i can tell you this post sucks it leaves out some of the most important things music food culture as for the wars ya we lost a lot we also want some very important ones and unlike some others we never run away of back down or give up we might be out numbered and out gunned but we will fight to the death . and as individuals we are the best friends you can ever get but dont cross us even once.
Just putting this out here 15 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
the young don't remember we respected presidents before even nixon was respected hated but respected but then we had Clinton and what he was up to and the country lost some respect for the office then bush and the media disrespected him at every turn and the last 8 years was Obama on skate boards and such showing no dignity what so ever.now the media flat out lies about the president and shows no respect what so ever.but i dont blame you for posts like this. i blame my self and other my age for not teaching you what dignity is we got lazy and started ignoring what was going on around us now its time to change that.get behind our president and believe we not he can make america great again.
Freedom from his wheelchair 3 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
hey i got an idea lets take pictures of johnny in poses of things he will never be able to do so he has visual reminders of them he can look at any time.after this i bet they do shit like put toilet paper on the top shelf.
The cake is a lie 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
im sure this protesting will be as effective as the protests on occupy wall street
Such a little boss 7 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
wouldn't it be funny if when you died you went to hell for being gay and you were like but i thought it was ok and popular opinion was that it was ok and god was like "what i warned ya" lol not that im religious.
Heyyyy that's pretty good 6 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
or he could of got skimpy outfits to make the girls to look sexier.that would of bin just fine.
Thanks Obama 44 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
thanks Obama for making me pay for this guy's treatment instead of fixing the medical industry. i like to pay for his free health care and when i go to the hospital i want to pay 40 dollars for a aspirin and 20 for a bandage.
What do people have against milk 33 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
skin of the milk? what the hell are you drinking cause it's not cow milk maybe they slipped you otter milk or some thing or that nasty 1 or 2 percent or skim.
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
ya good idea. when the cops start carrying fire extinguishers then i'll be convinced its better then training and arming teachers and for thous that don't realize it cops are just armed citizens like any trained armed teacher so if you're afraid of teachers having guns you should be afraid of cops with guns to. as for Australia they have more private owned guns now than before the band so i guess we should expect mass shooting any day now. or maybe it wasn't the gun ban maybe it was other factor that caused the drop in shooting.like mabe economics change of a government change who knows cause no study will be done anti gunners are to busy trying to ban guns no time to save lives with studies that might prove them wrong
Vikings Don't Get Any Credit 36 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
probably looked around and said wow these savages kill kidnap rape and murder so much they can keep the land we don't want to live here where to civilized. err i mean oh rite the vikings were a kind and generous sort with a gentle spirit only the other terrible white men killed the peaceful kind and gentle indians
Doesn't matter bro, you've won our respect 22 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
oh boo hoo what a cry baby im betting she didn't show up cause you're a weak little bitch that cries like a girl.
And therefore eliminate smoking eventually altogether 34 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
what a bunch of sheep government going to tell you how to live your life and you are all for it you get what you deserve. ban cigarettes and homosexuals and anything else that the government thinks is wrong but remember when they get to something that's important to you its for the best weather you like it or not.
the realness... 11 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
just another white privilege racist homophobic. next thing he will probably say something bad about the 4 misguided youths that beat and torture that white devil disabled boy and how they should be punished.
You have to do something about it 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
more stupid internet quotes pain is not equal to other pain ask any one with mental illness which hurts more the torture they go through with the mental illness or someone else dying. this is just another quote by someone that hasn't been through shit and is talking out of there ass.
Remember this 22 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
we just got ride of the weak man lets hope trump is strong enough for what's happening/coming
That's right muthafaka 15 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
guns don't kill people trucks do. we need to ban trucks
I feel so bad for laughing at this 7 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
what did lincoln say after a hard night drinking? i freed the what!!?