

— rachee Report User
New Zealand has been rated #1 worldwide in human freedom 26 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
ya but America just dumped a POS after 8 years. we are getting freedom back quickly now and the laws we have are starting to be enforced again.lets see where we are 8 years from now.
Even if you don't agree with Donald Trump, Whoopi is still amazing 19 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
shouldn't she be in canada? what a POS talk bad all the time about trump then suck up to his daughter i would of spit in her face but Tiffany has to show class. and any one that believes Tiffany couldn't find any one to sit with her is just plain stupid.
clear 35 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Bull shit savages are savages in America they use guns in Africa they use machetes you can make all the excuses you want but its pretty simple you either kill each other or you don't as for 100 years of turmoil what they were nice and peaceful before then? No they were savages killing each other before the white man came there. Remember when Scotland got free of England and then the Scots started killing each other? No because there not savages grow a brain before you start spewing such ignorance king_me as for this pic being pre-colonial if he was pre-colonial he would eat the giraffe Sorry forgot to spellchecker and I know it confuses all the small brained people they just can't figure out what it all means with bad spelling so I fixed it
· Edited 8 years ago
Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist 19 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
you know what really funny they wont even try this with gay verses strait. go on spending sprees, you're messed up have to touch the doorknob 3 times, well you have a mental illness. you want to suck another guys penis well you're perfectly fine.they wont even take a brain scan. no one will touch that with a 10 foot pole. look it up and you can't even find one proving that both brains are the same which pretty much tells you there not.
How Australia is combating stupidity 18 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
no thanks ill keep my freedom not vaccinating is stupid but i dont want to be controlled this kind of think is a first step only a matter of time before they cut benefits because gay and gay spreads hiv or some other shit giving up freedom is never good even if it's to save stupid people
Car vs hooman 26 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
this law dose not mean you can just run the ass holes down it means you stopped/were trying to get through safely and one got hit by accident. if you gun it and run through them there will be an investigation and you will probably go to jail for vehicular homicide so be smart.
clear 35 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
ya the top one killed a giraffe the bottom one will rob your house rape your wife and kill you with a machete look up farmers killed in south Africa so don't be bringing this bull shit how there civilized the bunch of savages they try to pull this crap with the native americans to what a load of shit.
Why do these people exist? 22 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
be glad that bitch just saved you a ton of money and aggravation
What are they looking for!? 13 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
no nude photos alcohol or peaceful religion literature but guns and bombs to kill infidels is ok.
Time to fight for the people 4 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
ya maybe when he is done he can help in america.oh but if you get sick come on back here and use our health system enjoy our hospitals and take our nice safe roads back to the airport to go back to africa with police that protect you on the way and dont mind the hungry homeless vets that paid the price so you can go help another country instead of america. better yet just stay there if you get sick dont come back here.
Poor Brian's 15 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
probably made her take off her vagina hat for this pic
Ummm, ok then 12 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
not a white person thing im white and if this was my sister or some thing id make sure a certain con got 50 bucks put in his account every month this guy was in jail and you know what the 50 bucks is for.
Bill nye the science guy 19 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
the problem is global warming is like gun control doesn't matter which side you're on the studies and research are all bios to support the side the researcher believes in. i believe we need to clean up our planet. water we cant drink fish we cant eat garbage all over the place screw the studies stop arguing about what you're told and start fixing what you can see rite in front of you.
"Shoulder massage" 11 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
takes a special kind of scumbag to go after a wife of a deployed man better hope the wrong guy doesn't catch you and knock every one of your teeth out and send them to her husband.
Who's stealing your job 6 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
if there are a millions unemployed Americans and a million illegals immigrants employed and no jobs available yes they are stealing jobs maybe not good jobs but a bad job can feed your family.
2017, not 1933 38 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Trump is telling people to paint swastikas on trains? No just more lies and misdirection.
American society 48 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
i Love that lets take 3 of the whitest nations in the world and compare crime in them to the USA LOL
Interesting 7 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
i'm a democrat and this is totally true he even tried to gas the Jews last week..well ok he farted in his limo while passing a synagogue but still spread the word he tried to gas the Jews. the media will print a story about it for us. RESIST!!!!
Nobody can't love Vision/JARVIS 16 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
jesus christ you know things like this are going to end with retards putting a pink dress on their computer and telling every body its trans ai or some crap.
Stop this maniac 7 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
i agree with that to a certain point ajhedges but as a gun person when i was a kid i would of found a way in to a safe there is no place in your home kids cant get in to thats why you must educate them take them out to the range teach them gun safety and show them what this thing does (gallon water jugs and heads of lettuce work great) and explain to them how you can never take a bullet back, once its fired its to late.
It's never been "affordable" 43 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
OBAMA??? he messed this up worse then it already was you can keep your current doctor and you bill wont go up and so on and so on but keep lying to your self about obama. but i know trump has been in office for 2 weeks and hasn't fixed this yet he is a terrible president. how about we give him the 8 years it to obama to break this i mean he dose have to fix other little problems obama left him like the middle east, iran, north korea. racial division, unemployment, divide between police and community, yup obama the great.
International Student in Weingarten 12 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
yet no one ever says "i moved to Israel and its a wonderful place great people" makes you wonder.
No one offered a seat for her... Wait 24 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
im a real man i give my seat to a woman and i will give her your seat to if necessary. don't be a ignorant self centered ass hole
Shots 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
military should start selling shells with a autograph of the soldier that fired it and a pic of the dirty Muslim POS it hit we could clear the deficit in no time.
US: "Hey Mexico, we're building a wall!" MEXICO: "Meh, we'll get over it..." 67 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
yup democratic thinking at its finest "that wall will never work the green line is like only 2 inches i can swim 2 inches no problem. no the wall will not keep out 100% but it will cut down the numbers and that's a start.