

rachee Report User
Not so smart 7 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Thank god. This dangerous criminal had at least 10 pot plants that's like the next Pablo Escobar. Don't know how they did it with only 5 heavily armed officers. Sure there are rapists and murderers out there but that's small potatoes compared to this major drug trafficker. thank god for the DEA I can sleep soundly at night knowing there out there protecting me from dangerous fiends like these.
History is better than sex 8 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
funny younger guys would be like you missed out on a piece of ass while older guys are like pussy comes and goes but a chance to sit and talk with a ww2 vet is special.
Better Late than Never 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
well that's perfectly normal. Guys like me say its not and don't care any more about terms like bigot racist homophobes term thrown around so much they lost all meaning. You can keep showing the world how open minded you are by calling any one that doesn't see eye to eye with you a bigot or racist or what ever but you're becoming less and less significant all the time. You think you're replacing us older guys really you voted for president trump? You wanted the illegal's deported? You wanted the trans bathroom reversed? No we were not replaced just quiet till the stupidity got so bad we couldn't take it any more and the country was in such danger we had to do some thing about it. Any way I've spent enough time on this it will probably be to confusing for you to understand any way.
Better Late than Never 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Just proving my point more. Do you know what tests were done to take homosexuality out of the dsm none not one test, it was just decided with a vote and now its excepted as normal even though only 4% in the hole country are lgbt and no series research is being done on it. As for open minded I don't believe you are IM betting you're so busy trying to argue your point you're not open minded to the truth at all. See the problem is extremes it started with a bunch of religious ass holes torturing gays yes they said they were psychiatrist and they were using aversion therapy but we all know that's bs but that made the scientific community go in the other direction in the extreme. So That any thing lgbt dose is acceptable and any one that thinks different is just a bigot so now we have people that don't understand gender to the extreme. Now it's not male female trans now you got people that think there gender is part elf and part duck or what ever and guys like you are saying
Of all the redickulous things I've read... 6 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
There is no guy in the world that would want this thing come to think of it no woman would want there man to lose confidence because the condom tells them there not that good eather. Better to tell him he's great in bed and he can go even longer next time or what ever you need to teach him to do.
HIS FACE 8 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
He miss spoke but even if he was that dumb it would Still be a step up from "we have to pass it to see what's in it" LOL
v2 12 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Here in America things are getting better every day. After 8 years of a weak president we are finally fighting Isis over seas starting to uphold the laws here. Rounding up illegal's and charging rioters. And little by little rooting out the snakes in Washington all in all its looking like a brighter future then America has seen in a long time. Sorry to heir about all the problems you guys are having in all your country's. You got to do like us get out and vote say enough is enough and boot the politicians out. start with merkel.
Better Late than Never 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
That's my point exactly the young think there smarter. They think IM open minded and excepting. Us older guys know better. We see a guy in a dress that will never get any help. His mental disorder will go untreated because doctors can't even talk about it because society is so busy being open minded that they totally ignore that there is some thing wrong with this person. Its like a guy talking to himself we make him a priest because we are open minded and except that he is talking to god and you can't talk bad about a messenger of god so doctors can't do research and no medication is found to cure schizophrenia. Not the greatest analogy but you get my meaning.
He finally gets why we ask men to put the seat down after they pee 3 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
So at 2 am you're as dumb as a chick that can't look before she sits.
Better Late than Never 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Funny how the young always think there smart, then they get older and realize they didn't know shit. Ask a teen and you will see he knows it all ask a old guy and he will tell you he didn't know shit as a teen.
Daniel Negreanu (Famous Poker Player) conducted an "enlightening" poll 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Up there's that word again peace I don't think that word means what you think it means here's what you do go to any, I say any middle eastern country and put on a sign that says I was a Muslim and now IM a Christian and see what happens to you, not saying to say any thing bad about muslins or any thing like that just a sign that say you switched religions.the savages will tear you apart because the book tells them to do that and that's what they are trying to bring to the civilized world and that's what we wont allow. Peaceful religion bull shit peaceful religions change there book to cut out the violence truly peaceful people will even change religions. And cara your a fool I will never respect any religion that treats woman like Islam dose stoning woman after she is raped, her word is worth half of a mans and on and on. That crap will never be acceptable in America we will fight to the death if necessary.
Daniel Negreanu (Famous Poker Player) conducted an "enlightening" poll 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
You don't follow a child molester? Your book doesn't have over 100 verses that talk about killing? Bull shit as for cutting off heads and blowing people up IM not wiling to give you a chance wile you follow that kind of religion. Renounce that religion and I can respect your beliefs even if I don't believe them but till then your just a scum bag following a scum bag religion that preaches hate and murder. but By all means keep telling the fools how Islam is a peaceful religion.
Up, up and away! 5 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
We then send in the trap shooters LOL
Daniel Negreanu (Famous Poker Player) conducted an "enlightening" poll 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Maybe if the Muslims weren't a bunch of cultists that followed a child molester who tells them to kill then the world wouldn't think they were dangerous but as long as they keep suicide bombing, cutting off heads, and throwing gays off roofs we will see them as a threat. But IM sure there will be some people that still believe that's only the radical ones LOL.
Wolf aurora borealis 8 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Nope frog with a cigar in the left side of his mouth all he needs now is a bowler hat.
Steve and Carl 17 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
ignorance is bliss
In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded 6 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Just a bunch of walking chunks of meat that will hit the ground and rot, living in a universe that will cease to exist some day. the cool part is the big bang could of happened one million times before and will happen one million times again. We never remember it and nothing we do matters but we could be eternal
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
No the difference is sperm offends you and Brest milk doesn't both are body fluids just like blood and piss Brest milk can contain hiv hepatitis chicken pox and a hole bunch of other can't believe some idiot is arguing that its OK to hit some one with a bodily fluid. IM done responding to you you're just to ignorant for me to deal with.
Even if you don't agree with Donald Trump, Whoopi is still amazing 19 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Sorry your level of stupid just went off the chart and I will not be responding to you any further have a good life.
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
And if a guy squirted a little sperm it would be OK with you? He didn't hit you kick you or hurt you in any way. sorry you throw bodily fluids at me be glad pressing charges is the only thing I do. And as for not hurting him in any way Brest milk can Cary diseases little splash in the eye is all it can take.
Even if you don't agree with Donald Trump, Whoopi is still amazing 19 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
So I say your fathers the biggest scumbag in the world a total piece of shit I say it everyday for months but you look lonely want me to sit with you and that's sounds good to you?If it dose then you're just a sad individual with no honor or self worth.
Life always finds a way 9 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
real life groot?
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
should be treated as assault just like spitting or throwing any body fluids
Can't take back his words now 23 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
funny im not religious but my first thought was so the christian leader was gay lol
Accurate 21 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Like fear of Hitler, ignorance of what he was trying to accomplish, so hate him got it. i hate stupid people with there stupid signs.