

— rachee Report User
You wot mate?  12 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
it's on the internet so it must be true.
Meanwhile in Africa 10 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
savages acting like savages no different than places like detroit
Kylie looking for her dignity 6 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
trying to figure out where that smell is coming from?
the pride march had flaws which should never be repeated ever ahain 64 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
wow a bunch of degenerates got together and acted like degenerates what a shock. maybe if they showed up to pride parade in normal pants,suit and tie and such we could take this seriously but it seams the ones that show up to this want special treatment and want attention. they should be proud how far back they set the hole gay movement and fuel the religious peoples fears.
Don't...ever do this... 14 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
to short, it looks like he is the bad guy but how often dose she ask him to take her out for food and stuff when the boyfriend inset around. to many woman out there that do the friend zone crap to get free ride then get pissed when it back fires. not saying that's the case but if it was a stalker case i would think boyfriend would beat the crap out of him but probably not a friend zone guy.
The Queen of Denmark 16 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
she looks like some one that's one of the people not someone that thinks she is above the people
Interesting 14 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
can't believe people will actually believe this crap this is just like the girl i high school that thought she was a witch because sometimes she thought of something and then it would happen lol
"b*tch wipe your nose" 6 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
ugly as hell but if you see one in your yard be glad these little bastards can eat around 5,000 ticks a year.
Car vs hooman 26 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
For getting there way they tried cheating they tried temper tantrum they tried looting and arson and violence and blaming it on the Russians none of it worked criminals are being shot even though they're black and trump is still president. With any luck the next form of protest will be mass suicide till then I just can't take them serious.
true courage 18 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Its not just that he is talking old testament too. Christianity doesn't teach that any more that's why its called the new testament. As for the Koran its a book written by a child molester that teaches hate and violence maybe not all follow it but way to many do. Its ridicules, I believe in freedom of religion but maybe we draw the line at a cult that teaches its OK to beat you're wife and kill people. Maybe no religion that have a guy that's screwing a nine year old teaching how to be a good person. Plenty of truly peaceful religions to choose from out there I think we can dump this one And make a better world.
Better Late than Never 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Well that's a great argument I see your point. When some one uses facts then go to the bigot/racist thing if that doesn't work then say they don't know how to argue and give up . ya I guess the younger generation has taught me some thing oh no that's rite I already new they were morons go back to watching CNN they will tell you all you want to heir.
true courage 18 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
just more peaceful tolerant Islamic followers practicing their beliefs. a woman isn't worth as much as a man and should do what shes told . don't be intolerant and try to repress their beliefs by saying different.
Better Late than Never 14 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
And you strike me as some one in denial I say the word bigot has no meaning but you act like I should care. You talk about the way things are becoming even though I just pointed out president trump being elected and the illegal's being deported and trans bathroom reversed. You say holding this country back. I say from what going off a cliff? Young people think they can teach the older generation but they can't there isn't any thing to teach us that we don't know already. Look around at the state of the country half of it is like a third world. That was caused by Young progressive thinkers that new better then the older generation. Ignore science and statistics and fact to create a world where every one is equal and accepted. This is what you get you can say we are all equal but we're not you can say a guy in a dress is normal but its not.
I think we can all agree 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
What's to say he was a man at all? Again this wasn't about him being a tranny but to answer your question There called XX and XY chromosomes no amount of hormone therapy makeup or dresses can change them. You're born a man your a man all your life. As for I should get over it never. any time this POS come up ill make sure to talk about it till he slither off and hides in a hole till he dies.
I think we can all agree 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
I already said losing your dick doesn't make you a woman.i don't care if its by accident or surgery you're still a man. As for its being 3 years get over it? Do you think the family of the woman he killed has gotten over it yet? No as long as this piece of shit keeps coming up ill keep talking about the person he killed. Kim Howe's family wont ever get over it. Kim Howe doesn't ever get to win woman of the year of even see her husband or kids ever again so ya keep defending the piece of shit.
I think we can all agree 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
I call a man a man and IM backwards?. I don't care if he calls him self a tiger and paints stripes on himself that doesn't make him a tiger. If a guy gets his dick ripped off in a industrial accident that doesn't make him a girl either. If you're born a man you're a man for life sorry that's biology makeup and dresses doesn't change that. People want to except that he thinks he is a woman that's your problem but I won't. But this is not about that this is about that he was texting and driving and killed some one then stood there on stage and excepted woman of the year, beyond the fact he has a dick and is not a woman. he still killed some one if he had dignity he would of said I cant except this there are more deserving woman out there.If he wasn't trans and excepted man of the year I would still think he is a piece of shit.
I think we can all agree 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
he is not a she he is a he and has no dignity. If he had dignity he would not have excepted the award. He is a disgrace to the human race. And IM not saying the lion wasn't wrong but I wish there was as much out rage for the women he killed as there was for the lion the dentist killed.
I think we can all agree 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Why? Lets celebrate what he is and what he did not hide it. A man killed some one and got awarded woman of the year. Same year some dentist killed a lion and people went nuts. This country is just over flowing with stupid at this time.
I think we can all agree 27 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Cool you know what they should do in one of her pic she should do like the hunters stance with her foot up on Kim Howe's body wile she is holds her woman of the year award all proud. He is such a piece of shit i hope he dies by fire.
HIS FACE 8 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Not really sure what you mean with the lottery of life. But do you really believe he didn't know how complicated health care is? I believe what he meant was some thing along the lines of no one new how you could take some thing so simple as helping the sick and turn it in to a cluster fuck. Sorry I could word it better but its midnight and IM out of it..
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
It's safe enough for her to feed her baby it's safe enough where you don't need to worry. Love that argument that's the same as pointing a gun at some one and saying its OK its not loaded. She could have any kind of diseases she didn't get tested for during pregnancy or any she caught after she delivered. I mean Christ we got morons shooting heroin and smoking crack through the hole pregnancy. Sorry butt I think this sets a dangerous precedence to allow this to go unpunished. There are some real savages out there that will just keep going further and further. I prefer living in a civilized society but that's just me.
Mysterious void in space 15 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Humans looking at this reminds me of the little dinosaur looking at the pretty asteroid that keeps getting bigger every night.
Things are getting out of hand 9 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
yup see this is what tolerance and acceptance brings you. Its only a matter of time before we have to except child molesters because the heart wants what the heart wants or some bull shit. Of course the children will not identify as children they'll be pan sexual alligator oatmeal gender so it will all be OK.
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
Don't worry about splashing off the floor on you? What about bullets OK if some one shoots at you're feet as long as there not shooting at you? Because it all sounds stupid to me. If some one spits at you and you're OK with that I feel sorry for you that's really sad I couldn't imaging living like that.
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
rachee · 8 years ago
What if he had scabies on his face and track marks up and down his arm would you care much then? Or is it only people that don't show signs of disease that can spit and its OK. If that's the case you should educate your self start with TB and go from there.