

— rachee Report User
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Going to be funny as hell when he wins again for another 4 and the liberals will be crying and the democrats will be trying to find some boogeyman to blame again lol
Sweet blind girl wants to go for a walk 4 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
No see my way it would go towards healthcare. of worthy creatures not welfare rats that don't want to work and just want others to give them free stuff. And benefit the welfare rats don't get healthcare and die off so we end up with working Americans and blind dogs that can see its a win win situation all around.
Sweet blind girl wants to go for a walk 4 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
I don't give a shit about free or universal healthcare in America and don't want one cent of my taxes to go for it you want insurance get a job, or die. I want my taxes to go to science to make blind dogs see that would be money well spent.
A reminder of the human cost of dictatorship 24 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
it would be a small price to pay if it insured only real news
If you can lift an apple, is that really an apple? 10 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Ocean does not float off into space but a fly can get off the ground, This is all bull shit gravity is magic cast by a wizard.
Opposing views are hard 15 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Yes we have abuse here in America but you have options. In civilized country's if your boyfriend smacks you around you have options you can leave him or contact law enforcement if you get raped you can call the police. The women in these shit hole country's can't do that they are property to there husbands. And if they report a rape its there fault and can be kill because of it.this is why I don't have very much sympathy for woman that stay in abusive relationships they have options leave the POS call the cops leave and buy a gun for protection and so on, woman in other country's can't even imagine the actions woman in America can take.
baristas are required not to spell right 4 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
ya and that's another thing about the little prick behind the counter at Starbucks. you go to 711 get coffee its a cashier go to wawa or quick stop its a cashier go to Starbucks, coffee is like what 6 dollars And all of a sudden he is a barista screw him. The kid behind the counter at McDonald's pores my coffee IM going to start calling him a barista too.He works just as hard as that pretensions dick at Starbucks.
Yahoo answers goes SEXUAL! You won’t BELIEVE what happens NEXT! 12 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
well did Satan make him gay that day or not?
13th Doctor Revealed (spoilers) 23 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
the beginning of the end we don't need a female doctor and we don't need a black one the show was great before now it just sucks.there going to diversity it to death.
The weird order or english words 17 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
If you understand great green dragon but green great dragon confuses you then the English language is the least of your problems.
baristas are required not to spell right 4 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
it's starbucks so which one is the bigger thief the guy with the gun or the one selling the coffee
Plant more trees 14 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
One of the most polluted places on the planet but look they planet trees still got factories pumping out the crap day and night but they planted trees. Its like going in to a bathroom with diarrhea and crapping on all 4 walls the selling and the floor but saying hay I used a air freshener.at this point dropping a nuke on this crap hole would cause less pollution in the long run.
Business mind 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
this is the kind of douche that causes stores to stop doing free refills don't be like this douche bag
Having a tall girlfriend 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
The fact that she is doing that in heels is what's in pressing me as a guy I've never worn heels but that looks scary as shit.
'Mexican' man gets back at racist neighbor with passive-aggressive baked goods 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
The real funny part is he seems to thinks pointing out that he isn't Mexican will make it OK to live there don't know if he has some thing against Mexicans or if he believes that all white people are like " oh your Portuguese well then you can come and sleep with my daughter as long as your not a Mexican we only really hate Mexicans "
This story always gets me 18 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Any way I got baby ducks to go clean up after so enough of this serious crap ill just say have a good life.
This story always gets me 18 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
No clue maybe I do but they don't try to push their beliefs on me or maybe they understand I know what they are and don't bother to try that "its a peaceful religion " crap when IM around. Doesn't matter they could be the nicest people around but the Trojan were some of the nicest people to they even brought a beautiful gift for troy. Either way it seams like unless a leader comes out with a black cloak and pencil mustache telling every one he is evil and will enslave you all ,your not going to believe in the danger that is present. But remember Hitler didn't come out talking about killing the Jews he came out talking about the economy and being nice as can be and was well liked in the beginning by a lot of the masses. Any way its getting hard to have a discussion like this in this form so all IM going to say is I hope your rite if you are you get to laugh and dance and say I told you so on the other hand if IM rite I have to take up arms to fight and probably die for freedom.
This story always gets me 18 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
OK with Hinduism one of the big topics for discussion is weather killing is a sin or is some justifiable like killing Hitler and such. No discussion like that from the religious leaders of Islam. Either they preach killing infidels or don't talk about it at all. But not going to get in to it about Hinduism haven't studied enough about it to really talk about it and was only using it as a general reference before. as for your argument I know its hard to learn from history but what you're saying is if it was the 1940's rite now you would be telling people not to talk bad about all the Nazi's because there were Nazi's like Karl Plagge, its foolish. yes there were good Nazi's and yes there are good Muslims but that doesn't mean we should of let the Nazi's go unchecked and we definitely better put a stop to Islam now before its to late. And we do that by making sure to talk about things like 911 not by making up stories like this one with imaginary slights against Islam.
This story always gets me 18 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Stick to the subject we're not talking about what others did in the past if you go far enough back cavemen clubbed each other in the head all the time but that's no excuse to let people club each other now. Just like in the past it was OK to beat you're wife or stone homosexuals but not any more. Maybe you should try picking up a book like the new testament or look in to truly peaceful religious books like the Tipitaka or the scriptures of Hinduism and see what it teacher now in current times and stop worrying about what humans did at our worst times. trying to stick up for a cult that preaches killing innocent people might not be the best idea.
This story always gets me 18 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Ya like the made up stuff like 911 and nice France and Charlie Hebdo. Morons, don't try to make them out to be the wounded innocent little angels that people keep making stuff up about. they did it they killed a lot of people that's not made up that's fact . Its a cult of whacko's that follow a child molester that preaches murder. This kind of crap is the same as saying it's a peaceful religion wile they tell their follower to go kill infidels. oh and Muslim isn't a race.
That's your personal problem 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
yup i did the math using common core it's 18
The new way of math 62 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
this seem a lot like when i was in school and they started making us learn cursive writing a lot of people thought that was a good idea also.
Boy 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
pc police woo woo woo. did you just assume gender?!!!!!
b*tch  8 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
the sky is falling the sky is falling if cat f thinks a 80 year old with Alzheimer's is going to get kicked off medicaid he is truly a idiot. just more fear tactics and lies.
The 12 steps 3 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
maybe it's just me but i look at her and think ya sure. i bet you had a brother once that snorted marijuana and died from it because it's such a dangerous drug. like the closest to heroin this chick has ever bin was she saw a picture of it on tv once. but tells everyone she was hooked to get attention.