Guilt tripping for sex makes you a terrible person 65 comments
· 7 years ago
If you're a man and fall in love with a woman that's not a mental illness if you fall in love with a sheep yes that's a mental illness. See one brain is functioning properly the other isn't.
Guilt tripping for sex makes you a terrible person 65 comments
· 7 years ago
that's like suicidal people getting help from some one by getting them to load the gun or buying tin foil for the schizophrenics to make hats out of.
Guilt tripping for sex makes you a terrible person 65 comments
· 7 years ago
ya its called mental illness but we're not suppose to talk about that. And ya there is science involved turns out no matter how pretty the dress or how much makeup you put on it doesn't change your chromosomes hell you can even cut off your penis and the chromosomes are still the same you're still a guy and its not more complicated than that. Now on a mental illness level its more complicated but again we can't call it mental illness could hurt some ones feelings so no study no treatment if there is one.
Saddest moment ever 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Its all OK it turns out the tree was evil and he was trying to kill it the hole time the look on his face is relief after a battle you see on a lot of soldiers faces he can now go home to his family back on his home planet knowing the world is safe. If your going to try to put human emotions and thought on a animal at least make it a good story.
Guilt tripping for sex makes you a terrible person 65 comments
· 7 years ago
No such thing as a woman with a penis that's a man. You can be a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man but you're just pretending. Hell you can eat grass and whinny but guess what IM not going to call you a horse moron. This stuff isn't that hard if you don't listen to idiots.
Here's a clear example why you shouldn't do drugs 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Think IM getting old smoke a joint couple beers maybe a shot of Jameson seems plenty to me I just don't get this shit. I think it was carlin that said "how fucking high do you want to get"
Well, technically 7 comments
Friend zone 27 comments
· 7 years ago
Depends on the situation if your leading the guy on for food and rides and to get him to buy you things than don't be shocked he wants sex men are pretty simple if you let them court you then expect them to want to go all the way. Oh and if he is creepy then he is not a friend you are just using him and I hope karma gets you. End up working as a hooker or some thing.
When 2 geniuses collide 6 comments
· 7 years ago
We need a way to invade everyone's privacy and spy on what there doing but that's illegal. You know what we get a private citizen to do it and then he just gives us permission to look at it all. Here's this guy zuckerburg he's a douche he'll do it.
Well, technically 7 comments
· 7 years ago
the metric system, is that what all the other countries that landed on the moon use?
Polandball 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Don't worry if they are albino the savages will cut them up for there magical powers LOL
Polandball 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Never stop or they win. if you don't like black white Jew gays or what ever speak up it doesn't matter if others think your rite or wrong all that matter is free speech isn't suppressed.
NASA Concerned by 75,000 mile wide hole appearing on the sun 13 comments
· 7 years ago
we were talking about solar flares and global warming being connected as a joke and you came back like we were being serious so i figured must be high or at least i hope so.
What a great wife 5 comments
· 7 years ago
There are many way to run a society stealing from some to give to others is only one of them. If its one you like move to a socialist country. Id rather keep America free of that crap. You want kids you pay for them don't expect me to and ill pay fom my owen kids and healthcare and other stuff.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate this? 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Lying, back stabbing, rat. I hope it take him a long painful time to die he earned it the POS.
NASA Concerned by 75,000 mile wide hole appearing on the sun 13 comments
· 7 years ago
IM betting it was caused either by the Russians or global warming and either way it trumps fault.
Right guy for the job 4 comments
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
· 7 years ago
Luckily there isn't that many true liberals out there the news just like to make it look like there are Like 1 million for every republican as for the popular vote if we make voter id required in all states then he would have that to. Even if he doesn't do the best for the next 4 years he will still win, the devil you know and all.
Saving lives 64 comments
· 7 years ago
Hope one of them sneezes on you or a family member next. And no I will never shut up.
Saving lives 64 comments