We Southerners will be useful someday. 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Cuban zombies gay zombies and old people that you can't tell if zombies or not. Zombie apocalypses starting in Florida is going to be a real trip lol
Long story short 7 comments
It's not my job award goes to 3 comments
· 7 years ago
That's not blacktop that's base its what goes on before the top there has to be a story behind this they can just move the car and fill it in the rest of the way but when we run in to this we either get the cops to tow it or put the forks on the loader and pick it up and put it on the side walk and the cops can tow it latter depends on how big/hectic the job is.
Disgusting! 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Hell ya some one should call the police putting roller skates on a toddler is child endangerment I would think.
Who still uses VGA anyway 8 comments
· 7 years ago
IM offended to just assume its female because it has holes, assuming gender is so wrong.
The library of my dreams 6 comments
Amazing artist changes sexualised dolls 21 comments
· 7 years ago
These dolls are still over sexualised no burka no gloves what a bunch of sluts. We need to raise our standards no make up no hair spray back in the kitchen with you.
God left 29 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't see the big deal if you want to cut off your penis its all good you were born in the wrong body. If you want to blind your self because you feel like you shouldn't have been born with sight then it makes sense to me go for it there is nothing wrong with you and you don't have a mental illness. And nothing should be don to help her because she is perfect the way she is and brave for going through with what makes her happy, a true roll model we should all look up to.
He spent all his nolege on this tattoo 2 comments
· 7 years ago
My first thought wasn't knowledge. it was no leg is power and was like what is that his thigh or some thing and what the hell dose that mean.
"It's super effective" 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Bull shit hit a rock and ricochet maybe but not off a armadillo its would be like trying to ricochet a bullet off a foot ball.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
· 7 years ago
Some people here are correct it is murder and against the law so maybe its time to change the law. Make it legal to kill some one that's raping a child then justice is served and no law was broken.
The power of GMO 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Well if a billion dollar company like Monsanto says its safe it must be true I mean look at Agent Orange they said that was safe and it all turned out fine. And company's like Monsanto and dow are going to lose billions of dollars making crops that don't need pesticides but that's how good these companies are.they truly care about people. Oh and that email from the Nigerian prince is all true you can trust him too.
First "Jihadi free" summer in Aleppo, Syria 10 comments
· 7 years ago
So what are you trying to say we should set up concentration camps you sick fuck these people have left there homes because of war and now you want to kill them Christ just let the syrians go back to syria.
First "Jihadi free" summer in Aleppo, Syria 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Good point we should send the Syrians back now and work on sending other refugees back to there own country latter. I vote for the Somalia's next.
Baby possums are adorable :v 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Limes disease sucks big time painful and you can die from it. These little shits eat 5000 ticks a year so when you see one in the road swerve, sparing his life just might save your Owen.
First "Jihadi free" summer in Aleppo, Syria 10 comments
Life from a different perspective 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Yup the pope is scared to death rite now thinking its all over no more donations no more power lol. And it doesn't teach critical thinking it teaches belief in critical thinking as long as you think what they teach you, want proof disagree with a professor and see what happens. As for different ideas and cultures you mean specific ideas and cultures things like how wonderful the blacks are and the Mexican and other Latina because its about race not culture nothing about Canadians or Norwegian and Australia is like a different world full of aliens. College was higher learning at one time not any more don't get me wrong I had some great teachers but the institution as a hole was lets say less then impressive. I could go on about this all day but its to big of a subject for fs.
Guilt tripping for sex makes you a terrible person 65 comments
· 7 years ago
Well I always said what people do in the privacy of their own home is their business now LGBT is on the news in movies on TV in politics and every place you look. Now were suppose to treat them different and suppose to make special bathroom accommodations and so on and so on its not in the privacy of there Owen home now its a problem I have to put up with. that's why I give a fuck.
Guilt tripping for sex makes you a terrible person 65 comments
· 7 years ago
Well you have some one that's trans so your not really objective at all. But you said it yourself if you look at him he looks like a guy but if you pull pants down then he doesn't. Well then he doesn't look like a guy. Sorry but your sister is still your sister if she starts wearing a furrie suit it doesn't make her a wolf even if she looks just like a wolf but then people take off the suit and she isn't a wolf. Its like if we had the technology to put gills and scales on some one and they practiced swimming really hard they still wouldn't be a fish. But some one would be arguing that they feel like a fish from birth so its OK to give them gills and its not a mental illness.Its pretty simple you might have a mental illness that makes a woman think she is a man or a wolf or a fish but that doesn't make it so.The really sad part is there is such a stigma on mental illness even if there was a cure it will never be found.
Welcome to post-truth politics 12 comments
· 7 years ago
WOW I just can't it would take to long and would be like talking to a sack of wet hair and I just don't have it in me to deal with some one like that.
Life from a different perspective 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Probably looking and remembering when he graduated from there with hopes and dreams not knowing his major was crap. Maybe a art major or a Political Science major. Now relining college taught him how to memorize what others said but never how to think form himself. How to problem solve so now he has his cup to beg with maybe a little cardboard sigh to hold up asking some one to give him money because he doesn't know what else to do, really sad.
Welcome to post-truth politics 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Should she check every quoits what about every sentence, hell what if she spells a word wrong she better check it all On every thing. She should be perfect in every way. Pretty high standards can she live up to them?Can any one? When you think your smarter then some one for mistaking a quoit wrong in some way or putting there foot in there mouth. and you feel all superior and think you're so smart remember that song you were singing the wrong lyrics to for all that time ya we've all done it.
Guilt tripping for sex makes you a terrible person 65 comments
· 7 years ago
give it up diyrogue she doesn't get it and will never get it. you will not change whats in her imagination with facts or logic. this is the kind of person that thinks the lion won't eat her because she isn't trying to eat the lion and her new age vegan friend told her that's how it works there is nothing you can say to keep her from getting eaten.