The only Eclipse post I care about 7 comments
· 7 years ago
title 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Is she was a college student she probably got pissed and said it was a inside penis and how dare he to assume.
They didn't think that trough 19 comments
From the dead 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Well of course not tarotnathers13th he was black and you're never suppose to say negative thing about the blacks.
Neighborhood 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Wonder how many drug dealers and drive by shooting they have there and how much garbage in the streets and graffiti they have.
Those poor people 33 comments
· 7 years ago
So my first line is They're redneck's they figure out things for them self so did you not read it or are you trying to make up shit I said? As for germansatan what the hell are you even talking about we are talking about redneck's and college educated not race or homophobia and no one even mentioned feminanzis. So do me a favor germansatan if you see a post of mine in the future don't bother to comment your to dumb for me to even bother with and I wont reply to you.The level of stupidity is just to high I can't take it so im clicking unfollow on this post.
Those poor people 33 comments
· 7 years ago
IM not excusing the redneck's for not being educated. IM saying they are out right better then college drones that can't think for them selves. IM saying if there wasn't warnings to not look at the eclipse there would be a bunch of college kids in the hospital not redneck's.college doesn't mean educated I know mechanic that will rip apart a diesel engine with no manual and fix it and put it back together and they don't even have a high school diploma. IM not saying this is a good thing IM saying this country is that messed up with education. Any way this started out as a joke but hay if you all believe your better then some one else then more power to ya and if you don't think that's what your doing change the last line from people in south Carolina to black people and see if its still funny and you feel OK with it.
Those poor people 33 comments
· 7 years ago
Sure they do they were taught to memories it from a book but ask them to come up with a original thought or be witty they are screwed all they can do is look for spelling/grammar errors. Sure if I need a report on Shakespeare I want a college grad to do it but if my car breaks down and all I got is a roll of duck tape some baling wire and pliers ill take the redneck's any day he knows how to think not just repeat what he was taught to memorize.
Those poor people 33 comments
· 7 years ago
They're redneck's they figure out things for them self they don't need to read in a book how its bad for you to look directly in to the sun that's for the college educated you know the kind that need safe zones for there feelings and are to stupid to figure out there freaking gender.
Things to judge people on 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Well I sort of agree I wont judge your religion as long as your religion dosent preach killing otherts that do not believe in what you do. I wont judge color unless your race is responsible for 52% of all homicides in the US and you wont work and want hand outs.sexuality as long as your not parading around children in assless chaps and simulating fellatio I wont judge you. But if your one of the people that dose these things yes ill be leery of you.
X is going to give it to them 12 comments
Faith in Humanity?? NOPE 13 comments
· 7 years ago
That's terrible people want free stuff and these guys don't want to give free stuff its like they expect others to work for there stuff WTF? Maybe instead of bitching about them not giving enough maybe say thank you instead.this was a wedding not a charity event.
Italian's do it better 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Farm county so maybe some thing with tractor trailers can't make a left up the road so have to come to the circle.
But I guess it's scary with new things 18 comments
· 7 years ago
gmo's brought to you by Dow Chemical and Monsanto the makers of fine products like napalm, agent orange, and dioxin if they say its safe you know you can trust it.
Things we didn't learn in high school 42 comments
· 7 years ago
Hay smitty we are trying to rewrite history stop messing it up didn't you know blacks were the only ones ever to be slaves.
Time to GTFO 6 comments
· 7 years ago
What would a hunter be doing that would set off a bomb dog? Claymore mines for deer or maybe mortar rounds for duck hunting?Think I saw this on south park.
Powerful 24 comments
· 7 years ago
This is just the culture don't try to oppress it. when the immigrants come to your country embrace it You don't want to be racist against the Muslims or religion phobia or what ever the sjw will call you.
Things we didn't learn in high school 42 comments
· 7 years ago
Maybe we should stop going on about white and black slaves and apologies and restitution and all that crap and start doing some thing about the current slaves god knows the media and politicians don't want to talk about them.china and India to name a few not to mention north Korea and the slavery and concentration camps that loony is running.
Not in my country 10 comments
· 7 years ago
So no counter arguments just the basics I don't want it to bet true so it must not be and I have no counter point so ill look for spelling errors. OK I guess IM done with this thread enjoy the rest of your day and your bliss in ignorance.
Not in my country 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Like I said sorry to confuse you. As a society we decide what's is a adult if we decide 13 is adult then its not a grown man having sex with a miner its two consenting adults. That's why its a slippery slop when you lose all morals Then start changing laws to fit a lack of morals. I could go on but I doubt you will get how society works and how we decide what is acceptable or how we decide what laws to change.
Not in my country 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually it is a slippery slope. as a society we decide what's wrong and what's right. And now have gotten to the point where there are few morels left its all acceptable except murder bestiality and pedophilia how long till they all are acceptable also. Some will say that will never happen. but it has happened in the past look at the roman empire. Remember Total tolerance is not a virtue, it is a total lack of morals and principles.
This says a lot 16 comments
· 7 years ago
hmm well I guess we could raise the price of vegetables and put Americans to work. Or continue to leave them on welfare and let people from another country get the jobs instead.