20 million dollars 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Best part in America there doesn't even have to be a crime they just say forfeiture and keep the money. so remember if you win money in the casino bank it as fast as possible this is no joke.
Too edgy? 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Kid wakes up in the middle of the night from a nightmare Michael Jackson was trying to touch them and you can show the kid he is safe, see Michael is still dead.
What a gem 12 comments
· 7 years ago
So every thing to the left and right don't require cooking? Third shelf looks like some kind of vegan hot dogs so you don't even need a pan just fire and a stick and still no one took them.
Happened a few minutes ago, I'm still like wtf. Consumerism at its finest I guess? 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Or maybe they got scammed by a charity before and don't trust charity now or just don't like that charity. If you want to know if you were wrong and get reasons why have your mother come on and tell us why she got pissed. 4 am so don't know if this will come out rite but you say you work for the money but think of it this way if you move out pay for your rent food car insurance heat electric collage and general shopping would you have money to give to charity if not then your not giving your money away its you're parents money your job is just taking some of the weight off them.
Happened a few minutes ago, I'm still like wtf. Consumerism at its finest I guess? 22 comments
· 7 years ago
You wont get proper reasoning and arguments here people here don't know the hole situation we are only hearing it from one side its like asking a girl why she hates her ex maybe he is a ass or maybe its her but if you only heir her side you will think he is the ass. For all we know your father shovels coal for a living so you don't have to worrier about money and instead of like saying hay pop I put 20 in gas in the car maybe they are pissed you're giving it a way
Happened a few minutes ago, I'm still like wtf. Consumerism at its finest I guess? 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Maybe your parents know you and the situation and are trying to teach you and going on line to get approval of a bunch of strangers isn't the smartest idea, but hay if it helps your totally rite how dare they you're way smarter then they are and go you.
It's never too late to change 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Really ? Because for the life of me I can't see any reason to change who I am to please others. The kind of friend you would attract I will never want ill stick with the friends that like me for who I am. This kind of behavior will attract the kind of people that use you in any way possible and the kind of people that won't use you won't want to hang with you because your such a door mat.
It's never too late to change 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Good job way to conform and change to please others and be excepted by those that judge you.next you should get a tattoo so you can be a individual just like every body else.
Golden dad advise 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Good advice now go flap your arms really hard and don't forget on the way down to believe in your self.
WOW. This ex has no chill. 6 comments
Karma 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Technical it is that's why you never block the door you just accidentally back in to it knocking it over.
Neil degrasse tyson 27 comments
· 7 years ago
Well I like degrasse he reminds me of what we lost when sagan died and how he can never be replaced by a ass hole. Seems like every time degrasse opens his mouth its just to say im smarter then you im smarter then you. But sagan might simplify thing to make it easier for the nonscientific community and the children but it was still him trying to get us all excited about what's out there and teach us and make us question. degrasse wants us to know how smart and important he is sagan tried to show us how small we all are.and how big the cosmoses is.
This is my post 7 comments
This is me 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder if the people you are with don't like you because of what you say or you're opinions then your with the wrong people find one that see you as beautiful as you are.
title 11 comments
title 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Like I said to big of a topic that's why the writing is crap that thing was like ten times bigger so had to cut it down lol. Not to mention college for me was almost 20 years ago. You don't have to work real hard to get in a good college money can buy you in to that you want my respect you have to work real hard once you're in there. Good one or not so good one. As for thinking most teacher wont want you to think come up with a real idea and go against the teacher and see what happens. I think some of the problem is generation gap the funny part is you'll probably be complain about some of the same thing when you my age. I believe your bio says you're a young girl so all I can say is play there game but don't shut your brain off and secretly question every thing but keep it secret questioning never goes well.
Can't change history. Good or bad 36 comments
Can't change history. Good or bad 36 comments
· 7 years ago
Um people are stupid? Do we really want to forget Hitler because this is a step in the rite direction.
Can't change history. Good or bad 36 comments
· 7 years ago
Its looked at as treason because they lost if they won there would be holidays for them and Lincoln would be called a traitor for trying to free the slaves and destroy America. History is writing by the victors but that's not the point its about tearing down history the men the statues are of went up against a government that they thought was wrong and fought with bravery some cold and hungry some times brother against brother to the death and now all that history is boiled down to a bunch of window lickers with there fingers in there noses going duh slavery wrong tear statues down, its really sad.
Can't change history. Good or bad 36 comments
· 7 years ago
Maybe traitor to you that's your opinion Maybe hero to others. But if we take down that history because some don't like it what's next Should we knock down the pyramids the pharaohs had slaves what about the traitors at the Boston tea party should we ripe up all the history for that incident to? If we had lost they would be traitor but we won so they are patriots as for the south who were the bad guys and traitors the ones fighting to keep America the way it was for years or the ones betraying the American way of life. What about a statues of Hitler should we leave it up so we don't forget what he did or take it down because of what he did? You want to start ripping down history because you don't like it or it offends some one then your a fool.
Can't change history. Good or bad 36 comments
· 7 years ago
That's the opinion of some its about equal to saying that Auschwitz is there to celebrate how close it came to wiping out the dirty Jews. Im betting if you wanted to tear it down you would get a bunch of skin heads protesting. That's part of the problem in this country rite now people see things from only there side and think any one that doesn't see it that way are wrong and the statues are the same there racist and any one that doesn't see it that what is a Nazi. You could have a professor in the crowd who wants to save the statues for history sake but he will be called a Nazi because he isn't going with the group.
title 11 comments
· 7 years ago
To big of a topic for on here this joke was about specific students, but basically I went to college latter in life I was almost 30 so I got to see it from a different perspective the laziness the forced memorization instead of teaching how to think and the lowering of standards more and more each year the whole time I was there I had a 3.8 with like no studying. And you see it in the real world now you have student that can tell you what they were taught to think about Marx but would be crushed if they had to change there own tire .Wile I was there only a handful of students actually learned the rest went through the motions to try to just pass. So no I have little respect for people that want respect just for going to college. Quick funny story if I got room when I was there a girl came to class pissed her friend borrowed the car and tried to put diesel in it she new because it was all over the side of the car the nozzle wouldn't fit so she tried to squirt it in the hole.
Best place one Earth 14 comments