Back in the day we peeked through our fingers 3 comments
· 7 years ago
ya its ok for the news to talk about murder rape theft and war but for god sake don't show a tit you'll kill us all.
Another strong hurricane gonna strike the US 8 comments
Remember this? 40 comments
· 7 years ago
I hate WBC but I hope they are around for ever because they are a canary in a coal mine for American freedom. If they stop these idiots then we know to watch out free speech is in danger.
Thinking about looting? 8 comments
· 7 years ago
These poor guys were wrongfully accused here is the full story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6-xokjS4PE
Deism 37 comments
· 7 years ago
Its funny I think all 3 of us are on the same page just looking at it from different points of view that's why its a discussion not a argument. I haven't smoked weed in years but if the 3 of us got together and smoked a joint we would have one hell of a discussion lol
Deism 37 comments
· 7 years ago
that's when I said not now im not ready to go. Well head wasn't split it was the scalp split and wasn't paralyzed what I felt was 3 compression fractures in my spine so 15 staples in my head 3 fractures in my spine torn mussels and ligaments oh and a concussion that lasted for 4 weeks, before the accident I wasn't a believer or a atheist now after the accident do you think im a believer? shit no im still the same. Cussing, drinking and watching porn lol I still think we are a bunch of hairless monkeys that are to stupid to know any thing and the thought of any one thinking they know if there is or isn't a god is laughable.hell look at the stuff people new for certain just 50 years ago doctors recommending a certain brand of smokes impossible to break the sound barrier and so on. Any way if people want to believe there atheist go for it but ill never believe it.
Deism 37 comments
· 7 years ago
OK when there are shells falling there isn't any thing to shoot at, all you can do is take cover and pray to not die its out of your control. As for your accident I still say bull shit. you didn't believe you were going to die you believed you would live. im not saying that's a bad thing that's a good thing, in a bad situation I want the guy with the strong survival instinct with me. I've almost been killed 5 times the first I was a kid and didn't know about life or death the next 2 were so fast there wasn't time to think about death the fourth don't know if I thought I was dying or just scared I might be. it was a head wound you of all people know how they are. But the fifth time was different I got hit with a tree, when it hit I felt pain in my spine then when I reached up I could feel this 4 inch gap and thought my head was split open. Wile my brother was calling the ambulance I couldn't move at all the world was spinning I expected to go dark and leave at any moment
Deism 37 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't know the situation im betting you didn't believe you were dying or going to die. im not talking oh a deer jumped in from of me and I didn't pray I swerved instead so I lived or oh the wave hit me so I swam to the surface im saying when things are out of your control you believe your going to die that this is it you will pray in some way. Of course your still going to try to get help call a ambulance or what ever im not talking about faith healers and crap like that. And im not talking about it will convert you in to a believer after the situation is over if your still alive you may or will go back to calling your self a Atheist but for those seconds your going to pray maybe not any thing like Jesus or Buddha or some thing it might just be a call to the universe please not now im not ready. As for the fox hole what do you think a Atheist is going to do when shells are falling to help the situation?
Deism 37 comments
· 7 years ago
No, nonbeliever exclusively pray to gods when they need something, believers pray all the time. As for your examples you didn't pray for your exams well ya that's almost the same as your child on a gurney in a hospital or your self sure. As for your grandfather I don't know the situation did the doctors come in and tell you they didn't think he was going to make it or he only had a 40 present chance to pull through or was it none life threatening and you weren't really worried maybe it wasn't that serious but I stand by what I said, you haven't been through a experience that tested you yet but in all likelihood you will some day that's the way life works if you go out and live it things are going to happen.
Deism 37 comments
· 7 years ago
Sorry I just don't believe there are any true atheists. I think there are attention seekers that go for shock value but when it comes down to it if you're in a fox hole and bombs are dropping around you you will be praying to any and all gods you even remotely heard of, same if your kid is in the hospital and terms like critical condition or aggressive infection are being used. Me when im having a bad day im not a believer when I see rainbows or a nice sun set im spiritual but when I see a pint of my own blood on the ground you better believe im the most devout believer in the world. Any one that says they are a pure atheist just hasn't had enough experiences in life well or there full of shit.
So, a guy in Key West was waiting for Irma to hit when. . 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Zimmerman was a ass hole and a irresponsible gun owner who did stupid things on many levels. Guys that drink get beer muscles they say well this idiot got gun muscles. And he was in the wrong right till Martin attacked, Martin could of walked away or called the police and said im a minor and some guy is following me or he could of yelled for help there was a lot of option to choose from in a civilized society attacking isn't one of them at that point Zimmerman was in the right. If some one attacks you, then you defend your self. If the media showed what martin looked like at the time instead of pictures that were years old this wouldn't have been in the news or a issue.
Here's a good idea 31 comments
· 7 years ago
hehe lived in Utica/herkimer area for like 12 years. im in Maine now and you guys can keep your freaking lake effect lol i think we get a little colder then you but it doesn't dump 3 feet in one night here.
Here's a good idea 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Only happens a couple times a year and they can keep it. im in the north east I've seen enough snow to last 10 life times.
This feel wrong 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Feels like high school bull shit. Who cares he didn't do it but if he watches porn im sure he is the only one in the country watching it billion dollar industry and he is supporting it all ya rite. Don't get me wrong I don't like the guy but this kind of crap takes away from real issues.
Here's a good idea 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Definitely I mean its not like we had hurricanes before climate change. You want to know if climate change is real its simple. Experts will tell you scientifically its doing this and its doing that ask any of them one simple question. Ask when it will kill us all. No scientific answer will be given its all. could be by or may be by its never we calculated it and the year such and such we will all die. Climate change is mostly bullshit. BUT we have screwed up this planet so bad pollution in the air can't eat the fish in the oceans more then a couple times a month over farming and on and on these things are real climate change is just slide of hand mostly its watch what the right hand is doing so no one talks about the left hand.
Game developer is immortalized 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Depends on the situation if they were making a dlc and this guy died and they were like lest add him and make some money for the family that's OK if they are keeping a lot of it but if they saw this guy die and were like hay lets make a dlc and exploit his death then ya they suck. If its Warner Brothers then ya they probably making to exploit every thing they touch turns to shit.
Good thing he finished before the tram was needed during rush hour 6 comments
· 7 years ago
We really should start doing that here or the caning that seams to work well in other country to.
Sass capital 24 comments
· 7 years ago
Just because you don't like his opinion doesn't make him a troll some things he is out there with but I believe he is rite about the part having human rights not special rights and I really wish people would learn the difference between tolerance and acceptance. As for organization well by the definition it is a group with a goal so it could be considered a organization no there isn't a sign up sheet or mail being sent out but word of mouth is spread to the members that there will be a parade or what not. You would have to ask a English major or some thing but I would say its a organization with out affiliates or some thing like that. And AAA is a acronym and still a organization one doesn't exclude it from the other.
Sass capital 24 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh sorry I use spellchecker believe it or not there are a bunch of morons on here that can't make a argument so they just look for bad spelling and punctuation to try to be relevant in some way.
Sass capital 24 comments
· 7 years ago
Good job im sure this will make him except the gay community more because mocking some ones beliefs and values its always a good way to change there mind. maby they can hang giant spaghetti monsters up next time the pope come to town to try make him a atheist, idiots
20 million dollars 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Well in Trenton NJ they are rolling around in suv's and chargers so like 35 or 40k maybe. As for keeping the money yes they keep the money, cars, houses and any thing else they confiscate the best part with forfeiture is money doesn't have the same rites as a person so if they don't charge you with a crime you have to get your own lawyer you can't get a court appointed one. So lets say im going to go buy a car with say 5k cash cop pulls me over no crime is committed but with the forfeiture laws he can confiscate it and I can't get a court appointed attorney I have to get my own lawyer to try to get my money back that was stolen by the police. Its a hell of a money making businesses shame its not about protect and serve any more.
Happy birthd- wait what 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Now now don't judge it could be part of his culture im sure she will be very happy with his other wives.
This is getting serious 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Hiroshima was 21kt this will protect you from 0.25 kt the location is what's might save you not the shelter.