Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Depends on if you want to change things or pretend like its all beautiful. I mean hay if you get up and have a big breakfast who wants to have a reminder about the starving people in the world right I just finished eating I got ya I agree.
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Rape every 2 min 1 murder every 60 seconds then there is little things like child molesters guys beating there wife thugs beating little old lady's drive by shooting religious violence and of course war. Yup got to love people as long as you close your eyes and pretend nothings wrong. If humans were wiped off this planet it would probably be for the best maybe dogs would end up ruling, lets hope any way.
Because, you know.... Science ftw! 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Its not autism its autism like symptoms and its real. But its like 1 in a million or 10 million I actually know 2 kids that have it which is weird. knowing 2 is probably like 1 in a million in its self. I think the medical community is saying its not real because stupid people don't know how odds work and stop getting vaccinations. Im to old for kids now but if I did have them I would definitely get them vaccinated but id probably try to spread out the time between vaccinations and hope that helps.
How smoking wrecks your lungs 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Wait if you haven't had the dreams yet you will very vivid dreams of having a smoke. and I found most of the things people say were bull shit food doesn't taste better I don't feel healthier the only thing that is true is you will save money, true its because some scumbag hiked the tax up so much it cost 10 dollars a pack but ya you will save money.
Thinking about looting? 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Even if that was true guess what 2 wrongs don't make a right. And making excuses don't stop these pieces of shit from being pieces of shit.
How smoking wrecks your lungs 21 comments
· 7 years ago
I'll agree but only because animals get killed because or PETA and anti smokers don't kill any one. but shit there both annoying.
For people who suck at parking 3 comments
· 7 years ago
ya park some where else, then turn in your freaking license because if you can't park a 2 ton vehicle you damn well shouldn't be driving one on the road where there are other vehicles, motor cycles, bicycles, pedestrians, and all sorts of other challenges that are way harder to deal with than then parking.
Fair point 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh my god I spelled 2 things wrong thank god you're here to save us all. you should thank me if it wasn't for bad spelling you would have nothing to contribute at all.
How smoking wrecks your lungs 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Hay if you can't prove your point with the truth then use a lie doesn't matter if your wrong as long as people think your right that's all that matters. Don't know who is worse anti smokers or PETA. Both just a pack of liars.
Remember this? 40 comments
· 7 years ago
ya but now your trying to make laws based on opinion. it should be punishable if you swear in front of a child you say why it dose no harm to any one. Its just vulgar as far as you're concerned what about cussing in front of a nun they find that very offensive. you either have free speech for all or policed speech want to know what that looks like Russia has a good example rite now go try to talk about how it ok to be gay in Russia and see what happens. They decided gay is offensive and there is no protection of free speech there. Not like in the USA any way.
Fair point 9 comments
· 7 years ago
If you spend 1000 dollars on a phone you have no right to wine about it your a fool and as the man says a fool and his money are soon parted. If no one buys the new phone I bet the next one will be half the price or less.
Tumblr isn't so bad part 3. Please no political arguments. 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Looks cute but chickens stay warn in the winter by fluffing up it puts air between them and there outer feathers working as insulation so don't know it this has the same or greater insulation or if your just pushing the air out with the weight of some thing that doesn't have equal or greater insulation.
Step on a Lego hurts? Hold my beer 11 comments
· 7 years ago
you can put as much powder in it that you want there is no weight so no presser it will just go pop and a shit load of unburned powder will come out but might hurt if you take it in the eye but probably no serious damage, still a funny post any way.
Be in the moment! 9 comments
· 7 years ago
shit have you looked around lately compared to half the population the dog is a genius. And dogs have plenty of emotions but they don't worry about latter they don't know that latter exists there is only the now.
After 13 years of Saturn research, Cassini has retired into Saturn 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Amazing how far we have come in less then 100 years makes you wonder were we will be in the next 100 or 1000.
Here's a good idea 31 comments
· 7 years ago
There are expert that will clearly inform you global warming is a hoax and experts that will inform you its real same thing with aliens right now there is a petition to put Bigfoot on the endangered species list and there are experts that can prove Bigfoot is real (look up Sasquatch Genome Project ) these guys know more about Bigfoot then any one. Should they be the ones to decide land management for big foot and how your tax dollars are spent to protect him? Who's to say what the truth is these guys have scientific proof its real but im still skeptical. Id say a IQ test to be able to vote would be a better idea so we know some one has the intelligence to make a informed decision. Could use it for drivers license to, IQ below 100 you can only get a car that goes up to 35 mph or some thing like that.
Working pockets 27 comments
· 7 years ago
Nothing new my x used to get jeans in the boys section all the time but got to go boys not men it works for boots too. A lot cheaper also. Stores are good for that same product but this one says girl on it, so the boys is 25 dollars we will price it at 75 and put it on sale for 50 such bull shit.
Didn't I watch this same pizza oven here 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Definitely cool but is there a difference between that and cooking it in a regular house over. Not being a smart ass actually asking if any one knows is there a difference and what it is or why it is?
Remember this? 40 comments
· 7 years ago
Free speech is what lets you say that. if you don't like free speech then don't comment at all it will be just like not having it.
Another strong hurricane gonna strike the US 8 comments
· 7 years ago
So if we cry sex discrimination and make them name hurricanes after woman then we thin out the really stupid people?
Don't be stupid 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Some times freedom is more important then safety im for wearing a helmet but im more for the freedom to choose to not wear one. If we let the government dictate what we can and can't do because its to dangerous then what's next illegal to sky dive and bungee jump what about white water rafting or swimming hell lots of people choke on hot dogs every year guess we make them illegal to.