Kylie looking for her dignity 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Got to admire the commitment lol.
Go home Uber. You're drunk 8 comments
· 7 years ago
it makes no scene because you're a idiot. Number one what makes you think the autistic isn't a woman? So it would be comparing a woman to a autistic woman but nothing to get triggered with there so you didn't think of that. Number 2 my comment wasn't about either woman or autistics its about a ridicules situation we have created and a ridicules situation we will probably create in the future but again nothing to get your little feeling hurt about. So just special for the snowflakes ill tell you strait up I don't care about your little feeling I don't care about you or what offends you matter of fact if you get hit by a bus tomorrow ill laugh, one more waste of life gone and immediately forget you ever existed. No im not a troll if I was a troll I would try to keep you coming back for more I want you to not come back to bother me at all. Hope this clears it all up for you.
capitalism? fishing! 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Socialism and communism are both better... well if you own the rod and aren't the fisherman.
Edited 7 years ago
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
but one of the real problems is experts are sure about what they know if your bipolar or schizophrenic you go see a psychologist he is sure of exactly how to treat you and what pills to give just as sure as the doctors that did lobotomies and shock therapy years ago and a lot of the time he is just as wrong. Any way this subject is to much for little chat like this so I think im going to stop here and ill say good luck with school and I hope your a better doctor then the ones I've dealt with. Its been fun and im sure we will talk in other posts. Wrote this at 4am so totally ignore spelling and grammar my brain is slow this late and my eyes just aren't what they used to be.
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
im in the US, here you go see a psychiatrist for 10 or 15 min Max and they got a pill for you its ridicules you could come back the next day and they wont know your name but they prescribed a dangerous potentially deadly pill with out thought. And I find they don't know much about the brain but try to make people believe they do. I had one teacher in college he was great, explained things in a way that showed the truth instead of trying to in press the students got in to a lot about how we are told things, like a researcher will say you see cause and affect so we know a lot about the brain and you ask ok but why the cause and why the effect and they can't answer, take a savant, the cause, he is autistic the effect, he can do super hard math at lightning speed why no one knows for sure, 20 different theories though. Well last I new any way I've not done any studying on that one lately but you get the idea.
"millennials aren't buying enough.. Millennials aren't whatever 10 comments
· 7 years ago
ya my grandfather bought a 1953 corvette stingray for less then 4 grand now it cost ..over 100 grand no wonder millennials aren't buying new cars. That's how this works right? Yes times are hard because of greed but don't use retarded examples to make a point.
I want this shirt 15 comments
Screening results 4 comments
· 7 years ago
There are more options then all or none. Its not the screening that's a problem its the way they go about it, don't search the middle easterner that would be racial profiling search the 80 year old white woman from Kansas so we don't hurt any ones feelings. If screening is about safety search the middle easterner higher probability of finding a terrorist. And any shifty looking guys of any race but can you picture screening a 300 pound black woman from Detroit for a bomb. She is no terrorist would probably beat the shit out of a terrorist for messing up her schedule with her hair appointment but not some one I would worry about being searched for weapons/bombs. So we end up with time and resources being wasted and still haven't achieve safety the shoe bomber got through with out a problem but at least he wasn't racially profiled.
Streets being painted in L.A 16 comments
· 7 years ago
This will never work white is to blinding that's why you don't see cars in Canada in the winter. White snow on the road blinds you so you can't see. That's why they ride moose every place in the winter.
Who wouldn't 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Move makers need to learn you never ever kill the dog. no matter how good the movie was we will dislike it some what deep down.
"My spiritual pain is unbearable" 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Is the guy that figured out how to make steel responsible too is Henry ford responsible for the people killed in nice France or Marie curie responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What the creator intended it for and what other do with it aren't always the same. when he was making the gun was he thinking law enforcement can use this to save lives or was he thinking terrorist can use this to kill children or a better gun for our soldiers will shorten the war and in the long run less will die. If Marie curie didn't do research in to radiation we might not have had nuclear weapons but we also wouldn't have x rays, ill stick with blaming the user for its use not the creator.
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Any way here is the basics of cognitive therapy https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/cbt-cognitive-behavioral-therapy-techniques-worksheets/#cbt you got to realize I've dealt with mental health people before I find psychiatrist are just a bunch or snake oil sales men and therapist are just faith healer and will never trust ether ever again but im not like real mental not schizophrenic or any thing. And we are talking 2 different country so might be different there in the us pills are thrown around like candy. Mental health is a billion dollar business here. Oh and I know several Australians and they are all up beat definite different culture there I find the way people talk about Canada being nice and apologetic Australia should be thought about for friendly and optimistic both annoying at times but ya got ta love them lol.
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Sorry thought you would understand about the receptors I should of said uptake . Trying to write short explanation to make it all fit sucks so hard to have a real conversation like this. Serial killer thing true well not exactly but I think your doing same thing as me simplifying it to shorten it up, but that's one extreme im talking the other extreme. Day one you shop lift get rush after five days its not a rush so have to go bigger and bigger same thing with dopamine well sort of that's a real simple example. Don't want to come off as crude but best examples/studies is involving masturbation and porn addiction. How many receptors comes in to play also best studies for that is alcoholics. Of course this is all having to do with the brain and we Don't know shit when it comes rite down to it. you can find a study proving almost any thing on this subject.
Go home Uber. You're drunk 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh you think woman are better then people with autism I see. you shouldn't discriminate like that. If you got a problem with autistic people keep it to your self.
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
And ya I did see you as a idiot but from what im reading it looks like your Australian that changes my thought on you a lot. 10 years playing lord of the rings with a girl from there and your just as annoying as her I swear a volcano could burry an aussies house and they would be like well I can still go to the pub at least and be all happy, I think that's what happens when you live like 10 feet from the sun.
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
I know all about cognitive therapy and I find it to be all bull shit its faith healing. If you believe then it works or you convince your self it works.as for dopamine levels lots of things raise them and there finding its not a good thing. Increase in dopamine equals decrease in receptors so little thing in life are less enjoyable. As for the ecosystem if all humans die it will fall a part. No it will revert back to the way it was before we messed it all up the ecosystem doesn't need humons .2 videos for you 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-h15wX14po there is a ton of these showing how good it is with out humans and number 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysa5OBhXz-Q when you watch the second one remember humans kill wolfs because wolfs kill sheep/cattle and they destroy beaver dams if they deem it necessary.
The hero we deserve 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Not true studies have been done they are all crap like they take 2 guys this one watched porn and got a divorce this guy didn't watch porn and is happily married but it means shit the the divorce guy still might of got a divorce. Same thing with addiction did the porn cause addiction or did he have a addictive personality to begin with. A lot of this started because a bunch of religious whacko's want to stick there noses in other peoples business Virginia is or was trying to make tighter restrictions on porn and take away freedom and are using these bull shit studies to try and do it.
Go home Uber. You're drunk 8 comments
· 7 years ago
But we need to treat some people special so we can say we're all the same. Watch some day you will see the head lines first autistic doctor performs brain surgery and then if you don't want a autistic brain surgeon you'll be called bad for being discriminating no matter how many patients he killed. it scares me where this country is going.
"My spiritual pain is unbearable" 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Don't blame the gun or the bullet or the maker or the devil blame the guy with the finger that pulled the trigger.
Good people Good vibes 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Of course we are superior to other animals you ever see a squirrel with a high powered rifle or a moose land on the moon how about a dolphin performing Surgery as for part of the ecosystem guess again we pollute the land and water and deplete them both of minerals and living beings of all kinds, tear down habitats to the point of making other species extinct. My first comment was ignorance is bliss you are a prime example. you think your going to change the world by making people feel good about it? you tell me who your going to make feel good to bring back the rhinos from extinction, that poachers hunted to death and who you're going to make feel good to stop the deforestation wiping out wild life habitat all over the world. Dreaming is fine but you're a fool.
Internet tells me this exist. Imagine the possibilities 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Not new has been around for a wile but I think there are 2 problems with it, line of sight for one, I think if your off to the side looking at it its not as effective and number two is power requirement like you need a car battery for it to last any length of time. Not to mention it won't do shit against thermal imaging so forget about it in combat against any civilize nation.
How smoking wrecks your lungs 21 comments
· 7 years ago
HAHA you're right about the smell, the dog is getting more baths these days I can tell ya