As amazing as this is...Why? 14 comments
· 7 years ago
That's why I said she won't make it. As in she can practice all she wants and run all the marathons she wants but when she tries to leave the crap hole we will catch the criminal and send her back the free ride is coming to a end.
As amazing as this is...Why? 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Doesn't matter how far or how fast ICE has trucks and atv's she wont make it.
A little reminder 32 comments
· 7 years ago
Well guys want sex most of the time but there are a lot of factors that play in like how tired is the guy and what is his style. Like me I don't do quickies so I want sex but im to tired to give my all I wont have sex other guys will have sex 3 times a day but there selfish about it so like 10 seconds and there done and the girl is like wtf? Also most guys hit that age like 25 or so where they realize sex is exhausting so still want to have sex but got work to do so put off sex or wont get shit done.Its funny girls have sex and its invigorating they can like go for a run after. but guys its like that's it im done, for like a hour. go for a run hell I don't even want to go to the kitchen for a snack.
Little girl + flowers 2 comments
A little reminder 32 comments
Dat mine. I has. Dat. Give dat 8 comments
· 7 years ago
That's a pitbull they lore you in like this to give you a false sense of security then go for the throat the bastards I read all about it on the news so it must be true. They eat baby's to.
More rights 11 comments
A little reminder 32 comments
· 7 years ago
If your close enough that you can feel if a guys has a hard on 90% of the time you're safe assuming he wants to fuck you unless its early morning then he has to go take a leek then he probably wants to fuck you. Stop trying to make every thing more then it is, and trying to pass it off like wisdom equal to buddha's. Oh there is a secret way to tell if you're in doubt you say hay want to fuck if he says yes you're probably safe assuming your not rapping him.
Rocket Man - Locked and Loaded 11 comments
· 7 years ago
USA has 18 Ohio class subs each caries 14 trident missile each missile caries up to 12 independently targeting war heads and each warhead is way bigger then what hit Hiroshima. Basically we don't have to send our hole military or a fleet of ships just 1 sub fires 1 missile and this shit stain is gone for ever. and the sub doesn't even have to surface it can shoot underwater and level without even being seen . Can't say im really worried about north Korea.
Lion King is great 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Strange Brew was also based off Hamlin wasn't all that good really and why? No meerkat in drag no singing flatulent pig. So I Guess it just goes to show you Shakespeare can be good but there's always room for improvement.
Elon being Elon 9 comments
· 7 years ago
lunar base could be good for things to dangerous here like virus research. I wonder how big of a particle accelerator we could build on the moon, would it work with low gravity and that sort of thing and what could we do with bacteria with the different radiation with no atmosphere on the moon to block it out. Basically there COULD be good reasons for a base on the moon. Either way I find a moon base way more significant than a mission to mars. And ya your right on point with the funding thing. I got no problem with funding for science but this guy if to full of shit at times for me.
Rodney dangerfield 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Its a joke you morons it was said by Rodney Dangerfield he was a comedian. Not sure if people on here are smart enough to know what a comedian is or should I put up the definition. im starting to understand why there is a warning on hair dryers not to use them in the shower and not to let your child play with plastic bags.
Liquid Nitrogen vs. Flamethrower 6 comments
Elon being Elon 9 comments
· 7 years ago
There have been 135 space shuttle missions that we know of. shit there might already be a moon base and we don't know about it. That's one of the thing I've always found funny people see the stealth bomber and never think hay if I know about that its not a secret so there is way better that are a secret that I don't know about. If there was a plague and the government came out and said we have a cure. We secretly build a base on the moon 30 years ago and have been making viruses and cures for those viruses would any one really be shocked? Trillions of dollars in debt the moneys got to be going some where and its sure not going for road repair.
Lion King is great 10 comments
· 7 years ago
pfft people trying to be all sophisticated comparing it to hamlet and a theme about mortality but lets face it that movie wouldn't of done half as well if you didn't have a pig singing about farting and a meerkat in drag doing the hula.
Squirrel vs. Anti-squirrel bird feeder 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Poor little guy, give him some bird seed you prick, not like it cost that much.
do you lay sport? do you go to my school? did i steal your speech? 25 comments
· 7 years ago
That's the look she gets when ever a Libra opens its mouth she is thinking how can you remember to breath with that few brain cells. Love that he have a good looking first lady not that ugly tranny piece of shit we had.
Good guy brain 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Imagine if your brain didn't limit it. What would be the stupid emergence room visits from young guys trying to in press girls. doctor would be like ya he crushed every bone in his arms bench pressing a car and she didn't even give him a phone number.
this is sad 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh no you're going to hurt my feelings now. I call a liar a liar this post was a lie put up by liars. They asked a group. ok who is they? Of fourth graders, who are the fourth graders where are they what school of organization and when did they do this? No sources on any of it. They ask what they don't like about being boys. Did they ask what they do like about being a boy? No how about did they ask the girls what they didn't like about being a girl? No its One sided with a specific agenda. And the masses on here blindly believe, I call it out for the lie it is and im being a bitch. Well better then being a follower blindly believing what shit I'm feed.
this is sad 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh im not one of you. Never was, never will be, and never will want to be. Yes my spelling sucks so I use spell checker so what. Do you really think I care if you have a problem with it lol your a nothing to me if you get hit by a truck tomorrow I won't care in the least you literally are a nothing to me. But my spelling and grammar really isn't the topic. Its about this bullshit artificial and the liars that put this kind of crap up. I want to know when they are going to ask boys what they like about being boys or dose that not help with there agenda.
this is sad 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Trust me its tiring to write to. Also I got to get a new spell checker lol and yup my writing sucks in general punctuation isn't my strong suit but its worse on here I write a sentence then erase it and word it different and again and again by the time i'm done I've read it so many times its just flat to read. Not to mention people on here frustrate the shit out of me at times.
Reality of makeup 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Woman to day its almost like they use makeup to make them selves look better pfft don't they know its only suppose to be put on for ritual sacrifices and only when among other covenant members.
True story 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Then a dragon a unicorn and a vampire joined them and they all put a buck in for lotto tickets and won the end. Hay if your going to make up a fairy tail at least give it a happy ending and make it interesting.