

— rachee Report User
Press “X” to pay respects 11 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Gun control at its finest. woman feel so safe they carry flamethrowers in their purse.
Better give him a ride, he might not have memory of this place 4 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Only problem is if you stop this guy starts pulling dwarfs out of the bushes one at a time.
I think I have done the same thing with a stapler 10 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Doesn't work like that. If the first one doesn't come out the second one will blow up the gun in some way. to make a gun do this you have to hand load with a very small amount of powder. But cool pic any way.
Disabled kid arriving to prom with his date 16 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
It gets to be a faster process 11 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
They have great gun control.
That's one ugly owl 9 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Funny little creature. He only lives 2 to 5 years. But he grooms him self like a cat the hole time and ends up eating 5000 ticks a year. Chances are there was a tick with Lyme disease that had your number and this little guy ate it and saved your ass. He might not be pretty but if I see one in my garbage can I just smile and let him be.
Partners in crime. 11 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
The look on there face makes me think the vet will look at them and be like "again"?
Math doesn't know music 17 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
common core
When Dinner eats your lunch 1 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Nope that's a good day. So relaxed you fall asleep. Any hunter will tell you it's about enjoying the woods not making a kill. Not that putting meat in the freezer is a bad day either.
Bullies :( 7 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
ya definitely sounds more like sexual harassment. What do they think this is 2016?
Trying to do that 7 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
If you don't know then you and your kid learn together. The child will learn it doesn't always just work out some times you have to try over and over or read or ask some one for help there are always lessons to learn when trying some thing new.
Uber to the rescue 10 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
this is fucking stupid if you're hurt bad enough you need a ambulance then call one don't call Uber yes ambulance cost money yes you could end up in debt but its better then ending up dead...again fucking stupid.
Asking strangers to tie your tie - I almost cried 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Id like to see him try that in like Camden new jersey or in Detroit that would be a good video to watch.
Running with epilepsy 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Hope she tries weed for it and hope it works like for so many others.
Then they'll post it on FB and tag his friends 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
The point where you realize being a couple minutes late isn't so bad compared to messing with the big boys.
We all know this is the truth 15 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Well I can't argue with that... Its just to stupid.
We all know this is the truth 15 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Think if Muhammad wasn't here we wouldn't have neurosurgeons? If Muhammad wasn't here some one from here would of got the job and maybe Gary would of moved up the line and got a better job. hell maybe some grants or scholarships that Muhammad got could of went to Gary and he could of become a doctor. I love how people says its bad to say "foreigners are taking jobs" but then bitch they have to take a crap pay job after they graduate college because there are no good jobs.
So many kitty toes 7 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
That's called inbreeding.
Stop! Take time to read! AAAAAAHHHH!!! 15 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
This is a load of bull shit. Want to know what a anxiety attack is. Its like living with a room mate that every so often for no reason puts acid in your drink and its a bad trip every time. None of this grounding shit works its faith healing bull shit. When you have a panic attack you get a shit ton of chemicals going through your brain and most of the grounding will make it worse. you definitely don't want to think about breathing. If some one is having a panic attack either call a ambulance if no one is sure what it is or listen to what the person is saying to do. If they say leave them alone then do so. In all honestly if you were to try to get me to focus on my breathing in the middle of a attack im going to punch you in the face. Its the equivalent to being claustrophobic and some one saying "is the elevator getting smaller"
Organic bananas for scale 6 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
I can breed the best pig to the best pig for several generation to produce a big superior pig or I can just pump it full of chemicals and change its DNA in one generation. Which pig do you want to eat? Plants and animals at Chernobyl are genetically modified who want s a nice gmo steak from Chernobyl? gmo has been turned in to a buzz word to give a false sense of security. There are a lot of different ways to gmo organisms some safe some not. But if you believe the big companies are doing it for the good of the people or care about you then you're just stupid. Its about profit if it gives you cancer in your 60's they wont care just like the tobacco company's. Personally I don't have the equipment to test this stuff so I stick to heritage breed animals and heirloom seeds in my garden.
What are you good at cooking 13 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
if they are cooking in Africa the answer is food .
Switzerland ball 13 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Really? Just really? We live in a world where people think I was being series? Scary what the would is now. I have no respect for any one that stand and watches but won't get involved especially when the stakes are so high like in ww2. After ww2 Switzerland should of been treated like Cuba, no trade no aid no nothing. As for the UN don't even get me started of that nest of vipers. Oh and both of my grandfathers were in ww2 and wouldn't of had it any other way.
Switzerland ball 13 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Got to give them Swiss credit no matter what they stay neutral. Like when Hitler was trying to take over the world the Swiss were like " not our problem we're neutral" and kept on trading with Germany. Next Hitler comes to power maybe the US should be neutral. I remember my grandfather telling me about the fighting over there sitting in a trench and smelling body's burning bet he wished America was neutral then. Next time we can leave it to the UN to handle.
True life 5 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Worth and self worth are two different things. Good looking will always be worth more at first. but once you get to know some one there worth goes up and can pass some one that's better looking. So we should probably teach girls if your ugly you better have one great personality.
Some things are worth risking your life for 3 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Probably was the one that called the cops. Not like he could just level a 4 year old standing at the bus stop at 3 am. Bus drivers are pretty good people but they get stuck dealing with ass holes all day so they don't really smile a lot.