

— rachee Report User
Scale 17 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Would this be considered a modern day version of Schrodinger's cat? It's alive now but at the same time its life expectancy is so short.
Sammy u beauty 2 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Good thing its not the in the US they would fine the bar for interfering with wildlife and euthanize the seal because it's too comfortable around humans. Of course the news world report in was for the seals own good.
Press F to pay respects 17 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
It just depends on who is saved and who is killed. 8 year old girl falls in a river you save her some scumbag is trying to marry her, different method but same result you save her.
We don't deserve em 9 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
ok you do know im making a joke about criminals not being able to read the no gun sign right? true your country has no gun culture and has some of the tightest gun control on the planet but it also has the second highest murder rate in the world. Here in the US you'll hear about 14 kids killed in a shooting but you'll never heir about the murder, robbery, and rape that doesn't happen because people were able to protect them selves. And you'll never here about the crime rate in country with gun control. all you will hear is that gun control works that only such a amount of people were shot you never hear how all the other crimes triple.
We don't deserve em 9 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
pfft you silly person the problem is that your criminals don't have the education that criminals have it the USA. You put up a gun free zone sign and they can't read it. Now here in the us once we get ride of the guns and put up sighs we will have no crime because our criminals can read no guns thus they don't commit crimes and its rainbows and puppy dogs. see we just need more gun control here And you need more educated criminals there.
We don't deserve em 9 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Because of some of the strictest gun control laws no one was shot thank god. Sure the guy and the dog got stabbed but none of his assailants were killed and that's all that counts.
Autocrossbow, FTW!!1 33 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
famousone columbine happened almost 20 years ago and we passed gun law after gun law, nics check and waiting period and so on and now you want to try a different approach? Give teachers the same psychological test and training as a police officer and the ability to protect our children? That's just crazy talk. No way, we really need to keep doing the same thing we have been doing for almost 20 years im sure more gun control will work eventually.
Eddie got some skills 3 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
bird dog?
Ireland vs Climate Change 31 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
The entire country is smaller then new York state so not really impressive. Its like some one living in NY city and bragging how they use a bicycle and don't even own a car.
Why be afraid of the dead when you're already dead inside? 21 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
100k a month? shit if i don't have to dig holes ill do it for 50k a year. Nice peaceful quiet job what's not to like? Some people are scared of the dead body buried there but there only humans this place was covered in dinosaurs at one time go for a walk and you could be walking of a T-rex corps now that's scary. Zombies would be a hell of a lot scarier if they were dinosaurs zombies.
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Number one the deterrent factor. If armed people aren't a deterrent for the attacker then why don't they attack police stations? Number two if they did attack police stations think the kill count would be 17? I'm not saying make every teacher carry but let any teacher that is willing to go through the same training as police carry. I would also go for bullet proof shields in classrooms. Imagine if a school burned down and all we did was try to ban flammable substances because they can cause a fire instead of doing fire drills and putting in fire extinguishers that's what we are doing with school killings. You will not stop people from killing other people with laws that's not how it works. If it did the the shooter would see a gun free zone sign and turn around and go home.
Rest in peace to those killed in the shooting 76 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
What really bothers me is we have a shooting and its right to ban the guns but no one ever talks about the mental illness the kid had or more important the antidepressants/anti-psychotics that the kid was on. That on the bottle says may cause suicidal or homicidal thoughts. Seems like not one of these kids wasn't treated by a psychiatrist so either we have the greatest medical system in the world that no kid has slipped through or maybe the drugs might have some thing to do with it. The first big school shooting columbine both kids were medicated and most if not all of the other school shooting since then. But that's not politics like ban the guns and it goes against the medical industry so no talk about it.
People in Haiti eat cookies made of dirt. No nutrition, no taste. To fill their stomach 3 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
I guess trump was wrong it must not be a shit hole if they got cookies.
Incredible! 10 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
If I had this I just wonder how many times I'd like bang it on the door frame and stuff like that and just stop to wait to see if I broke it. Standing still like ok still alive I really gotta stop doing that.
Fun with fighter pilots 9 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Thought this only happened to serial killers. Maybe it's only certain fighter pilots that maybe we should kind of keep a eye on.
Expected heroes 11 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Yup France has some of the best gun control laws in the world. If he was in the us this poor Muslim might have got killed while exercising his religious beliefs but thank god he was the only one on the train with a fire arm.
NK Olympic team 4 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Why would they worry? Its not like it will go off at best it will launch and hit an ocean.
You find the kindest people online! 10 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Its a beta male liberal what other reaction other that submission could there possibly be?
A sad twist 43 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
famousone there not going to get it, there never going to get it. They think free health care is actually free.
A sad twist 43 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
you mean people should have to work for good and services they want or need? you sick bastards.
Haven't really seen this in the press. Godspeed!  12 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Actually there's more to the story than that she was just a worker and didn't know she was the one the pic was about. She didn't find out it was her till like the 90's. There's a hole thing. you should look it up its interesting history.
Ha! I sure fooled him 1 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Now that's the proper way to smother a kid and say it was a accident.
Witness from a North Korean defector 11 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Say what you will about north Korea but there gun control works not one officer was harmed during the raid to get this criminal.
Some good news that'll allow people to move on with their lives 6 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
We have a very valid reason to keep them locked up not because of what law they broke but because they broke the law. when your dealing with drugs its not just the weed its the hole black market thats involved. say tom sells weed gets caught with 8 ounces and goes to jail poor tom but its not just him a large part or the weed comes from south america now your talking cartels and they kill people. if everyone followed the law no cartel no murder. so tom might not have killed some one but he is part of it not because of what law he broke but because he broke the law. this is a very simplified explanation. and personally i'm all for legalizing it hell im all for legalizing all drugs id rather step over a dead junkie then see another innocent kid killed in the cross fire. your body do what you want with it.
Some good news that'll allow people to move on with their lives 6 comments
rachee · 7 years ago
Seems like more liberal stupid in action. im all for legalizing it and if its some guy that got caught with a pound fine release him but most people that get caught with a pound or less don't get real time., if you're in prison for drugs your probably not the kind of person that should be loose in society. So are they releasing them on a case by case basis? And who decides what merits release? What's the line we draw that keeps criminals off the street? I mean now that we don't follow the law any more.