

— rachee Report User
An interesting title 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Headed to a Gusteau's to catch a certain rate?
Meanwhile in England 8 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Its OK he is a police officer and is probably chasing someone that posted something offensive on line.
Kylie jenner sucks 16 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
How about we start a kickstarter to make her the first person to walk on the sun if we get enough we can load the rest of her family on the rocket.
In todays episode of the greatest nation on earth 61 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Shame they didn't have some of that free health care we keep hearing about they could of left him on life support indefinitely.
Anon is brave 38 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
lol you're funny scat.
Anon is brave 38 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Hitler did the same thing for gun control so I guess she is as brave as him good for her. Founding fathers put in place a system of laws and checks and balances for a way of life that has lasted hundreds of years. Maybe a knee jerk reaction and and listening to children that aren't old enough to vote, drink, or even to decide to have sex isn't the smartest idea. Yes we have mass shooting (maybe some one should look in to the medication that all theses kids are on) what we don't have is people being loaded in to cattle cars bound for gas chambers. and that is only one tiny aspect of firearms in this country. Personally I like knowing if there is a home invasion I can grab my AR and defend my self and family instead of grabbing the phone and yelling I've called the police so you better get out of my house with in the next ten to fifteen minutes or you're going to be in real trouble.
Dogs are angels 17 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Yes people get killed by dogs but it always comes back to some humans fault that the dog killed. Either the dog was abused for years like in most cases of random pitbull attacks or the dog was protecting someone or some property. Dogs aren't born serial killers that's people that are born that way.
Dogs don't need vest 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
wow just wow.
Dogs don't need vest 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
If there is a accident a dog can get knocked out just like a person and sink before you get to it. Not to mention in the ocean if your boat sinks a dog will get tired from swimming just like any one. Its the same reasons we put them on humans.
Always remember! 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
ya like any bank has enough cash to live off for ten years any more.
Holy shit 15 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
20 strokes a second is to start a fire not achieve orgasm but I do like the way you think lol.
Big cat 6 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Well I guess that's the best way to take years off your pet life by loving it to death. Just keep overfeeding it and no exercise and boom you can go get a new kitten.
Good heart 3 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
My grandmother was the same way she drove when she was in her 90's but she was smart only drove in the city no highway so like 30 mph max but it was enough to keep her independence going to church and the market but not be a danger. If she had to go some place far away she asked for some one to take her.
This meteor 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Welcome to planet earth. You're needed here but not deserved.
What the f**k is vegemite? 23 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Australia has more guns now than before the ban but no AR 15 any more. They did have a nice mass shooting last week any way. The whole thing with gun control and Australia is look at us we banned all the evil guns and now we don't have 50 people killed in mass shootings every year what they don't tell you is how many more rape, robbery, and murders are taking place and mass shooting still happen. there just play down by the media. Like in America all mass shooting are blasted on every TV station but you never hear about the girl that almost got raped but pulled a gun and didn't have to use it. Want to know the truth about gun control they banned guns in the UK. London has now passed the murder rate of NY city and the UK is looking in to knife control next. Can't wait till they get to stick control and rock control.
Transition contact lenses were just FDA Approved. Here's a demo video 13 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
polly wanna cracker polly wanna a cracker
Netherlands f*ck Yeah! 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
I call bullshit ether its a gimmick that costs too much or does not last or kills 100 acres of land to produce or some thing.
Transition contact lenses were just FDA Approved. Here's a demo video 13 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Brought to you by the makers of regenerate skin care products. Another break threw from the umbrella corporation, Transition contact lenses helping the world become a better place.
Google has become evil 6 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
lol don't even get me started with that. Save the geth and the quarian and legion still died so sad.
Google has become evil 6 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
You want terminators? Because this is how you get terminators.
College 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Never saw it before but the trailer looks decent I'll have to check it out. But no I mean in real life. Like I've gone on interviews and filled out the resume but im betting no one has ever called my previous employer from 10 years ago or called to confirm my education. I 'd like to see a show showing how far some one can get on bullshit alone like ya if you go Fortune 500 and say you went to Harvard they would catch you but I remember a story last year about a high school principal or something that didn't go to college or some thing like that. It was like the school news that caught her I think. I can't remember the details exactly.
College 5 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
Id like to see a documentary about some thing like this . Buys cap and gown fakes graduating then buys fake diploma and starts putting in job applications saying this is where he graduated . Gets job and see how he dose . Couldn't be like a doctor or lawyer but there are a lot of jobs he could bullshit his way to the top I bet.
New gold rush: Ivory hunters dig for mammoth tusks in Siberia 6 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
They call it ethical ivory its tusks and rhino horn from back then. The problem is they hunt it using giant water cannons that blast the shit out of everything wiping out the protective permafrost where it is and eroding the soil. The soil ends up messing up the rivers and that leads to messing up ecosystem and so on and so on its a big chain reaction but its going on in low profile places like Siberia so not being discussed very much . Its a shame ivory is beautiful and this way we could get it without destroying entire species but leave it to humans to find a way to fuck up the hole planet in the process instead.
Blissful dog 1 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
i fruking rove the smell of rocain!!!
Eat a bowl of d*cks 7 comments
rachee · 6 years ago
It's a rocket ship.