

— rachee Report User
We need more Anime tiddies 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya no mass shootings but that sarin gas sure is a bitch.
Cougars final resting place 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
new breed of catfish?
I hope these robots will be called EnvIronMen! 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
yup and the next thing they learn is humans are making the mess and need to be cleaned up. this is how the wars starts.
Italian castle 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. And that one sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up.
It's free power 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well that will finish off a lot of endangered species fast. better off with hydro more expensive but better for environment. Nuclear would be fine if humans weren't such fuck heads cutting corners and shit so they keep melting down.
The classic trio 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
wet hair ball
Wholesome inventors 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
so they stuck a GPS on a stick?
Thanks for reminding me that 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
nobody got time for that.
Did you use that app ? 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
im not concerned about Russians having my info not much they can do with it. it's my own government that gives me concerns. not to mention i trust Russia more than a lot of our supposed allies any way.
As a Californian I can definitely tell you these are facts 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
getting out of control. we really need to ban cigarette lighters.
Shotpost 36 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya we tried this in places like Detroit ,Philadelphia, Los Angeles and others and it never works out. even after the most strict gun laws. Maybe it's not the guns that are the problem after all.
Solid advice 10 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
always keep a pack of kit kats and a box of midol in the house. it could save a life.
My first thought 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
the movie is called oddball and ya it's worth a watch.
Brexit stage left 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
looks like a fatter drunker Gary busey.
The big brain 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
that's the kind of neighbor i like 3 years and he leaves me alone so much he doesn't even know my name.
And the cookies..Are a bonus 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
wow that's amazing 22 dollars an hour minimum wage and getting all the teachers doctors and day care workers to do all those jobs without pay so people can have free health care. we really should all follow there lead. Can't believe people still fall for this bull shit.
What do you do when people sing at you? 13 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
slowly start touching yourself while making eye contact with each person there. some will stop singing some will sing faster but your true friends will laugh and cheer you on and they are the only ones that really matter.
Devil dogs 12 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
yes and no true you can make any dog mean but some do have genetic issues that make them more likely to try some thing. I groomed for 5 years cocker spaniels are way up there as the worst. 1 they don't give warning when they will try to bite and 2 they always go for the face if they can get a shot at it. its funny pit bulls rottweilers and other scary dogs are just big and happy never a problem. chiwawa just sit and shake scared of there own shadow and poodles know the routine so well they practical trim them selves very few have problems. but cockers are the worst. dalmatians can be a problem you either can or can't work with them but they will let you know very clearly to back off. and chows you got to be careful with its not that there exceptional nasty is just a breed that's a 1 man dog.
Its f**king raw 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
albino i think
Karen "cures" everything with zero side effects! 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
man who claims. so the person doesn't even know the guys name ya im sure they know what they are talking about. but id imagine its Mark Chavarria. so the guy was bleeding out of his ass and still wouldn't go to the doctor till months latter when his wife threatened to leave him if he didn't go. shocking he had cancer but not just cancer it was stage 4 which is pretty much the same as saying better start raping things up. doctors told him no way to get it all but chemo will prolong life chemo is a bitch very painful so they got him on oxycodone finally a friend suggested medical weed. shocker it didn't cure his stage 4 cancer and he died. would weed have helped if he only had stage 1? who knows we are just starting to really do studies. Israel is having good results with petri dishes and animal trials. next faze is trying it on biopsies for cancer patients. i don't think sitting around getting baked all day will cure cancer. but it seems too early to tell if cannabis doesn't have a use.
Found this on insta and thought it belonged here 17 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
feww i was kinda getting worried with the rain forest on fire and all but boom puebla has it covered. between drone bees and fake tree humans will be just fine in the end. hope some day we have the technology so our kids can go out and see a real live well not live animatronic whale or a beautiful herd of fake rhinos.
Fairy 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
Ow! It bit me!
What'd you EXPECT fairies to do?
I thought they did nice things, like granting wishes!
Shows what YOU know, don't it?
Bait mate 35 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya the Nazis weren't so great but they sure did dress well. as for me im in Maine i don't care who makes it as long as its warm.
Bait mate 35 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
you won't be alone.
Bait mate 35 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
forget it stupid will always be stupid don't waste your time here. better off finding people that have brains but no knowledge and explain to them that freedom isn't free explain where gun bans have lead other countries in the past Hitler Stalin pol pot and so on. hell even what going on in tokyo right now.