

— rachee Report User
And I said 13 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
Weird Al's Amish Paradise
..-Then sang a song 10 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
well it didn't murder her or steal from her so it's an improvement over most cops already.
A guy to remember 3 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
nice shot way to help over populate a planet dick.
This is oddly sweet 4 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
if they are stupid enough to really be doing this then the full death experience is coming soon. a little bit of rain at just the right time and the sides are going to cave in and some one going to die. in construction when digging a trench they put a big steel box in so the sides don't collapse and kill someone they call it the coffin box.
Smoking is bad mmmkay 1 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
had a friend that used to show kids his missing finger and would tell them that's why you should never bite your nails.
Just a **high** thought 5 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
we need to legalize it in all states so you can just buy it in the store after showing id instead of off some shifty guy in a ally that will sell to any one.
Beware the Khajiit Assassin 1 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
he is just an innocent trader that hasn't opened up shop yet stop racial profiling him.
Aaa 1 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
going by Epstein they finally figured out how to do it right.
11th week of protest in HK, despite the fear, the violence and Beijing threats, the Hong 12 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
that's not necessary from what i heard next week they are going to use hopes and prayers the government won't know what hit them. im sure they will immediately start to treat there citizens with dignity and respect then. just like all the other countries in the past with strict gun control did.
Beautiful man 1 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
as long as they found him handy.
We’ve been warned by the expert 5 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
still love the black and white version and the john carpenter version but i wasn't impressed with that new one a couple years back.
Niceee 2 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
yet the government would have no problem throwing her out in the street is she doesn't pay her taxes. police will taze her if she fights them when they come to throw her out. and in some places they would arrest people that try to feed her. shame when we create a society that the criminals have more compassion and are feared less than the authorities.
Squatters 5 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
depends on what state. each has there own laws but it looks like most states are cracking down on this problem so you would probably have to look it up where you live to see what the current laws are.
Nobody reads this 15 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
actual demon it depends where you go. got to think of each state like a different country. some have higher crime and more gun control some the opposite. but it's never what the media makes it out to be. most states you can walk around all day and never see any one with a gun except a cop. i say most because there are states where you'll see a farmers truck with a gun in the back window but those are some of the safest places to live.
I'm crying thanks to him 2 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
shouldn't get more time for being an ass hole or less time for kissing ass the law should be equal to all not a popularity contest for your life.
Golf clap 10 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
you mean when people were stopping the extermination of an entire race they were making money. and yes smart people dishonorable cowards but smart.
Babyself or Toddlerself? 13 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
unless there name is Dexter.
Seizing second chances 14 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
i always laugh at this kind of stuff. they thank god for helping them. but if there is a god he may or may not of helped but at the same time if there is a god he is the creator of all so he definitely made the heroin and the desire to use it but they never blame god for his part in getting him in to this mess lol.
Is this really surprising? 8 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
one will cost government money the other makes government money shocking which one the media puts the spot light on.
Let the gaters gate, IMO 10 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
not just tigers but lions and tigers and bears oh my lol. but lions and leopards don't normally hunt humans it's mostly defense or wounded/injured and can't hunt its natural prey so they hunt the slow squishy humans instead. Polar bear on the other hand is the only bear that we are on his menu and he actively hunts us. wouldn't leave kids around some of the large snakes either.
'memba when? 6 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
ya some low man on the totem pole will be prosecuted while the rich and power full continue on.
Did that include your employee discount? 12 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
ya all and all we are about on the same page slightly different views but close. basically i just don't think it would be cheaper it could be but wouldn't be. like most things with government just to many snouts in the trough. and ya don't get me started on advertising i still don't understand it. Doesn't my doctor know what meds to prescribe me? now that i think about it over the last fifty years half the doctor i saw i wouldn't trust to play with a paddle ball without losing a eye but that's a whole different topic lol.
Did that include your employee discount? 12 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
nice fantasy that's not how any of it would go. first the insurance companies have lobbyist and deep pockets so they aren't going any where. and no politician will slit their own throats even suggesting getting rid of them. second i don't know any countries with government ran health care that i'd rather go to when i'm sick. politician will always find a way to take most of the money so it will always be shity service. third what country has Government medicine with taxes that are even close to ours? the cost wont go down. fourth lose the non-negotiable drug price crap and what medicine won't be discovered in the future? we aren't just paying for the cost of the meds we pay for all the stuff that failed trying to figure it out and all the stuff that fails in the future trying to get the next med. im not saying meds aren't expensive but how much can we lower the cost with out changing the future research? and i'm not saying what we got is good but its alot better them most places.
Did that include your employee discount? 12 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
this is ridiculous we need to change things let's get the government to double our taxes so we can get health care like other countries. whose with me?
Beginning of the Space Race (1957) 4 comments
rachee · 5 years ago
if we already had a stargate this is exactly the stuff we would do to keep it a secret and keep the public from asking questions why we aren't doing space stuff any more.