I don't know why is Ellen so angry 2 comments
· 5 years ago
ya pretty sure both have seen one up close.
That´S not true, I want suicide booths now. Not in the future 4 comments
· 5 years ago
can we please start funding the booths. hell i wont even complain if its paid for by my taxes.
The Badger who defied it all 5 comments
· 5 years ago
his name is Stoffel and there is more to his story then just this. worth reading about and/or watching his videos.
Forward progress ???? 1 comments
· 5 years ago
absolutely true if you don't count stopping mail order firearms and no more criminals being able to buy guns or no more mentally ill being able to buy guns or having to go through background checks or most states getting finger printed for pistol permit or all the changes in prison time when a gun is involved and so on and so on to many law to list them all. so sounds like a lot of gun control guess what they meant was gun bans. they banned the gun emoji but haven't banned guns for private citizens. let's call it what it is.
Facts low key fire 5 comments
· 5 years ago
either zeppelin's Kashmir or queen's innuendo don't know what order but definitely one then the other after that Richard Wagner Twilight of the gods.
At least there would be more space 4 comments
· 5 years ago
scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
This is what FIVE MILLION Hong Kong protesters fighting for their freedom looks like 4 comments
· 5 years ago
oh ya you got the government on the ropes now im betting they are looking out the windows quaking in their boots and saying oh no we are going to have to stop killing citizens and start treating the people with dignity and respect other wise they might keep protesting. and if they get more cardboard for signs were fucked.
Who dat boy, who him is? 1 comments
· 5 years ago
at this point they should be given full immunity in exchange for full disclosure of all they saw and did. another video history kind of thing. maybe our stupid species can learn a bit more from them and try to avoid repeating history. it's not like locking them up will do any thing at there age now if any are still alive even. but i say the same thing with the Kennedy assassination and the jimmy Hoffa murder. i think the history is more important than locking some 90 year old up who got away with it and will take it to his grave with out a deal.
This comment about living in Switzerland deserves a spot of it's own 4 comments
· 5 years ago
when they were loading humans into cattle cars to be exterminated both my grandfathers had to go over there and risk there lives for the worlds safety wile the swiss stay neutral and made money from both sides not to mention what the people executed couldn't collect so the banks got to keep. oh and lets not forget the allied aircraft they shot down instead of helping fight the germans. if/when another war starts over there a accidental nuke should definitely be dropped on that nest of snakes. fuck them.
I just finished a book where the MC is a fork 2 comments
· 5 years ago
for me it's two reasons. my eyes can't take reading for long periods of time any more. and second my brain can't settle down. i read for a while and get to the point i read a hole page but can't tell you what it said. its more like i looked at every word on the page but didn't read it my mind was on bills and shit. the good part is if i read it already i can enjoy the book in audio form without getting distracted so much.
Elon Musk beeing Elon Musk.. Genius 1 comments
Yes, the truth is out there 4 comments
Bloody fuŃking pirates 2 comments
· 5 years ago
ya imagine what we could do if we were as smart as the other countries. i mean we invented flight and walked on the moon and many other things but look what they all have accomplished compared to america.
C'mon DC Comics, make this happen! 10 comments
· 5 years ago
just looked it up only 13 episodes. i'll check it out but i'm beating it was pretty bad to be canceled after only 13. or was this another firefly screw up.
C'mon DC Comics, make this happen! 10 comments
· 5 years ago
personally i thought it was a great movie. but movie was the wrong format for it. they should have made it in to a tv show. the movie was way to short to really get in to that world properly. done right it could of given supernatural a run for its money.
How are they gonna make him not-gay 4 comments
· 5 years ago
don't worry its a Islamic state i'm sure the peaceful Muslims will stand up to the few radicals that are responsible for the killings and stop them. and if that doesn't work i'm sure all other countries will stop trade with iran even if they lose money as long as it saves lives.
Miracles do happen 8 comments
This is absurd, honestly 15 comments
· 5 years ago
i lived in jersey for a large part of my life sadly this makes perfect cents for that state. what a shit hole. like the man said "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Deus chong 4 comments
· 5 years ago
its almost like peaceful protest did nothing. and to make matters worse the citizens were disarmed long ago. quick everyone send your strongest hopes and prayers its the only chance they have.
Can we make this a thing in all games please? 5 comments
· 5 years ago
wouldn't mind a reminder whether i used the keyboard or controller for the game also. about every year or two i go back to the mass effect series and can never remember what i use.
That's a paddlin' 10 comments
· 5 years ago
respect is definitely started at home but maybe my kid is being disrespectful not because he didn't learn respect but because the other person doesn't deserve to be respected.
Works both ways, if you have any 6 comments
11th week of protest in HK, despite the fear, the violence and Beijing threats, the Hong 12 comments
· 5 years ago
no because we don't allow government sanctioned murder and enslavement in our country. but hay if your in to concentration camp then support strict gun control. it's working fine for china and has worked fine for most dictators throughout history.
This is cute 3 comments
· 5 years ago
don't know if its true but i like it and will pretend that it and not look it up.