Too peoplely 8 comments
· 5 years ago
i think you mean you need to make a trip to the shelter.
Thank you all of you 4 comments
But Elizabeth Taylor did not 2 comments
Sneak 100 2 comments
Funny illustrations of “Baby Yoda” 4 1 comments
Can't unsee this now 4 comments
· 5 years ago
rodent have no concept of shame they dress purely for fashion. im just not sure about the square bottom pattern with strip top.
Helping mother nature in a hard way 2 comments
· 5 years ago
the biggest problem with this is i would feel bad about every butt i tossed in the trash. would be like aww that could grow to be a flower go pull it out of trash and toss in on the ground.
Friendly fire? 8 comments
· 5 years ago
ok so they can act. now they are equal actors but we are going to higher based on skin or gender and that's ok your saying?
Friendly fire? 8 comments
· 5 years ago
well we could higher good actors to entertain us based on there acting ability or we can higher based on skin color and gender which sounds reasonable and which sounds ridiculous?
The reason I avoid tattoos 10 comments
· 5 years ago
it's a tramp stamp. Picture a fat guy on a bar stool leaning forward to show you his tat. and for the young people out here if you ever think of getting a tattoo remember you get what you pay for and think of this tattoo. never go cheap on ink work.
Debt is weird 20 comments
· 5 years ago
wonder how the media found out about it? im sure he didn't tell any one i mean its not like he would do it for publicity. wait 60k wtf that's like me giving 5 dollar. and ok a collection agencies will make deals but 15 million for 60k this whole thing sounds fishy.
Look at my new rice fields 4 comments
Good boi 4 comments
· 5 years ago
one day i was worrying about bills and shit and my dog came up to me and told me the secret to life is simple. if you can't fight it, eat it, or fuck it kick some grass over that shit and walk a way. there are cats to chase and smelly stuff to eat and belly rubs life is good . need less to say i immediately raced out the door and down the street to my friends house and told him i want to buy every bit of weed he had left to sell, that was some good shit.
Just throwing ideas around 3 comments
· 5 years ago
funny in the one version of Norse mythology the two wolves will end it. hati will tear up the sun and skoll will swallow the moon. guess there's a third one. the great dog that will play with the flat earth like a Frisbee.
My day is ruined 12 comments
· 5 years ago
depends like if i want to watch some thing i don't stream i download then i can watch with no pause for buffering, when ever i want even if storm knocked out internet. Second, years from now you might not be able to find it online but you will have it down loaded already. and third like a 2tb hard drive is under 100 dollars so not a big deal to take up space i just have a spare hard drive just for movies/shows and music also diy videos i do alot with gardening. but ill never give utube a dime they try to control free speech to much so i wont support them. Netflix is a different story.
You knew the whole time buddy! 3 comments
· 5 years ago
its a giant corporation that looks at prophets and decides the price of the merchandise. so most likely the company is like ok nugget costs 10 cents so we change 12 cents to make a profit but because of theft make it 13 but it could be more then one person next month so we will charge 15 and if no one steels we make extra. ya don't thank this guy he isn't giving you free stuff he is helping you pay more.
How dare you forget 2 comments
· 5 years ago
well its 2019 and we are remembering 911 because of her tape so i guess the tape did what it was suppose to.
When you sneeze during an X-ray 5 comments
Fallen brother 4 comments
· 5 years ago
this is the story he tells. her story is probably different. she is a prostitute goes to a client, guy is so weird he won't screw her then the weirdo falls in love with the hooker. red flags are probably going off in her head warning her to get out this is how you end up in some serial killers freezer. talk all night even try the crying thing, finally get out alive but then the weirdo starts texting the hooker looking for actual dates. could get a restraining order but that won't help the police can't watch her every second so she tries to let him down easy by telling him she can't date him he is her only friend just trying keep him from losing it and hunting her or other prostitutes. Probably going to read about this guy and his weird dead hooker foot collection in the news some day.
What a tasty roast 11 comments
· 5 years ago
thanks for helping prove my point. he could save kids from a burning building cure cancer and invent cold fusion and people like you would be " he's still scum"
This is dark 3 comments
· 5 years ago
first this doesn't work there still killing citizens. second the world and human rights organization already know and can do nothing about it. they are basically running concentration camps there but who wants to go to war to stop them because that what its going to take. and if you think the UN is going to swoop in and save the day well then i got one hell a bridge to sell you. UN isn't coming, no profit in it and way too dangerous. as for the protesters ask president Bashar al-Assad how well protesters work.
What a tasty roast 11 comments
· 5 years ago
ya but it's trump that's in that dispute so it's terrible. no matter how good the out come is trump did it so it's terrible.
He had to do it to em 3 comments
· 5 years ago
yup he is way more effective than a gun. lets send him to china to put a stop to the persecution, oppression, and murder of innocents people that will really show the Americans.