

rachee Report User
Completely understand why. But you just confirmed her fears lol 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
I'm not your guy, friend.
Denied 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well there all red heads so obviously Irish and since there are a shit ton sleeping on the floor i'm guess Irish Catholics (no birth control) it all makes perfect sense.
ooooh 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
this was one that confused me did the council not have the balls to free a slave being held by the local junk yard guy or the money to buy his mom from junk yard guy or where they just trying to make an evil prick that would kill them all? this hole part was equal to a bully asking "is someone miss their mommy? you gonna cry oh little baby going to cry". should have ended with Yoda hitting anakin with his own hand going "why you hitting your self why you hitting your self"
Hmmm 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
oh a suicide booth.
Stay healthy 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
pizza in school was the best it kicked the shit out of this kind of stuff but some one fixed it so now it sucks.
You did good, Oppy 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
true its bigger but what makes the rover the rover? can't take the whole thing but i could see the hard drive in a museum with a nice plaque in memory of all he gave us.
Are you afraid of the dark? 24 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i still think assault rifle should be changed to some thing like this. maybe the blame will be put on the shooting instead of the tool he used with a name like shooty-tooty-pointy-shooty.
They're The Only Feet I've Got 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
kid is either a genus or a moron further testing will be needed. but he's a human so i don't like your odds.
Ρєяfє¢тℓу вαℓαи¢є∂ 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
one of the biggest fears all truck drivers have is the kid that comes running out from behind a parked car chasing a ball. most of them have made the decision that if it ever happens they will flip the truck or put it in the trees/ditch even at the risk of their own lives to avoid hitting the kid. this car is programmed to do the opposite, can't say that's a good thing. is my life worth more than some junkie crossing the road sure. but some kid makes a mistake chasing a ball no i'd rather take my chances hitting a tree avoiding the kid. self driving cars are great in theory but there are going to be problems with ethical dilemmas like this. what if its end up in the corn field or hit a dog? id choose the field but it's up to the car/programmer, pretty scary thoughts.
The hk war cry 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well if me a guy in the US sitting here looking at memes knows about this then I'd bet the UN knows about it to, and are doing everything they can. im sure there are nicely typed briefs, guys with suits and ties sending emails to other guys with suits and ties what more could you ask for from a group of money-grubbing pricks. can't expect the united nations to band together for human right issues can you. there's no money to be made going against this sort of thing. if there was they would have shut down the death camps in north Korea long ago.
Met on 4 years ago, moved across the world to be together and got married yesterday 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
its Guinness so it wont last long but will be happy.
We don't deserve dogs 5 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
DON'T TOUCH. evolution has given the deer some nice stuff speed, sight, and hearing. but if say a pack of wolf comes along mama deer can't fight that off all she can do is run and hope for the best. so nature has given the fawn some advantages first he has very very little smell, the dog probably tripped over the fawn to find it and a dog's nose is no joke. second the fawn will hold perfectly still no matter what threat and won't move till mom comes back. so if you find one of these in the woods take a pic and get out of their mom is watching and really nervous about you finding her baby. once all has settled down mom will come out to find the baby. she has a call and he will call back to her. if you feel its necessary you can come back to check on the fawn latter in an hour or so but give it time to settle and her to come back. so no dead deer means mom is watching. near roads makes it harder but still the same situation no dead deer than mom is watching/waiting.
How fast was he going? 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
oh good superman's dog made it off krypton in time.
And that's the molten salt reactors we are talking about. Not the 1 Gen old 22 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
nuke is good but i though hydro would be on top.
At least mama find me handsome 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well i think i see the problem she's having finding a guy. she's a total bitch.
*Confused german noises* 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
more likely the officers allowed it for moral purposes. i mean how could you possibly feel like your going to lose when you got a lunatic like this ready to storm the beaches with a sword. you can picture him in a loud voice yelling what he's going to do to the enemy and all the troops around him nodding yes and standing just a little taller.
Talking about security 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya like its only Facebook keeping track of every one.
Parenting life hacks 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
now that's working smart not hard.
Cast lots for world peace 21 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
it wasn't until later we found out how bad he really was and it wasn't until the end we found out about the genocide going on. so would we have taken new votes when we got new info? and when would america have finally voted to go to war? how many Jews would have died because we were jerking around voting to make sure every one felt equal instead of having a leader that got our boots on the ground before it was too late. history is written by the victors but the truth is we barely won ww2, dday could have been the biggest fuck up the world had ever seen. secrets and misinformation is the only reason we're not all speaking German.
Cast lots for world peace 21 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
it's just a stupid idea. the secrets that guard our nation are just as important as the weapons we use on the battlefield. so either you have people voting and don't have all the facts to make an informed decision. or we tell the people all the things we know and our enemies know who, what, where,and when, if we have spies, how deep into their government our spies are and it just snow balls from there. and that's just the tip of the ice burg. look at ww2 who would have voted to send our troops all the way to Europe to fight Germans? especially when a vote for yes means you go not just some generic soldier? no one, it was on the other side of the world and he was just some dictator starting shit.
Emma watson 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
left looks like a mug shot.
This is just f**king ridiculous 37 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
the problem is your military trained so going for center mass. with meth heads you got to take the legs out first then they got to crawl to you. makes for an easy head shot, works on zombies to.
Flat Earth society 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
guess it's inevitable that eventually they will reach the point where they can either admit they were wrong or double down rely no other options.
Oh no 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya trapped souls are like oh thank god some one found the curses and can now break them and set us free. us oh look a ancient cursed tablets lets put them in a museum so they can never be harmed.
This is just f**king ridiculous 37 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
the problem is he used a gun and guns are evil as we all know so he is the bad guy so like all bad guys he is the shooter it makes perfect sense. hope he didn't use one of those evil black guns he could get the chair for that.