The Rest of Us 40 comments
· 10 years ago
look at all the fucks i give:
Have you wondered 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure Michael Phelps or the other new guy (Ryan or something I think?) admitted to doing this
Some cool tombstones. 29 comments
We've all done it 5 comments
Finals are coming up.. 7 comments
· 10 years ago
at the moment im just trying to get to the end of the year without failing any of my classes
Do it..Would you 62 comments
Do it..Would you 62 comments
Organizing 6 comments
Grumpy cat got a start 16 comments
· 10 years ago
actually the star is for like any actor/singer/celeb who has won enough awards/is popular enough or something and then you get a symbol/sign in the middle for what you got the star for like wifi for internet celebrity, and i believe its a microphone for singers and the drama masks for actors dont quote me on that
Still the best betrayal picture I've ever seen 26 comments
This was basically my life senior year 2 comments
Hurricane Tyrone 32 comments