Make your friend 13 comments
· 9 years ago
How old is this person that they are learning the difference between make and do? Grade one?
Love These Awesome PiƱata Cookies 8 comments
Terry Fox, a Canadian hero 14 comments
· 9 years ago
For raising money for cancer when he had nothing to give. It wasn't for him, he was doing it to help save other people who would deal with this terrible disease
Your whole life is not a lie, my friend 8 comments
· 9 years ago
The top picture is an example of stamped concrete, where you stamp a pattern into it
Terry Fox, a Canadian hero 14 comments
Heal the cause instead of just patching the symptoms 9 comments
· 9 years ago
A lot do, but unfortunately most patients don't want to hear that. Well the exercise one and diet primarily. Cause people want quick fixes
Let's get with the times 'murica 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Yea but really, who uses that in everyday discussion? I sell homes and we refer to houses as square footage because saying it's 232 m2 doesn't make people as excited as 2500sqft :)
Let's get with the times 'murica 21 comments
· 9 years ago
As another Canadian I really wish we had something in between cm and metres.
This teacher is in trouble 24 comments
Real women in Victoria's Secret Swimsuit 44 comments
· 9 years ago
As you said, there is a mixture of body shapes. They're not implying real women are curvy and this girl missed the point. They're implying real women aren't photoshopped, don't have 16 layers of makeup on (if you watch the behind the scenes of the VS fashion show, they do an average of 16 layers of body foundation to hide any cellulite) and come in every shape and height. She had a point but she made herself look like a tool but not picking a proper example.
This teacher is in trouble 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Because they're a teacher and an adult, they should know better. They only made that joke because he was overweight. That's expected from a snotty classmate, not a teacher.
Two can play at this game 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Also, that Cat stands for Caterpillar as in the heavy machinery company
They're the same actor 9 comments
Guns save lives 62 comments
· 9 years ago
Really. Who makes good choices at 16? They probably thought no one was home and they were probably looking to steal a TV or hell, it was a dare.
That horrifying adult moment 8 comments
Movie Posters 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I can't see Mr and Mrs Smith in the back to back and I'm surprised by that
I thought the first movie was pretty good. 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Is this going to be live action or animation? I miss good old animated films
Am I the only one who would love this? 7 comments
When I heard that hackers released all the stolen Ashley Madison data 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I think most single people would use normal dating sites as opposed to Ashley Madison.
90-95% of users were married men/fathers while the remaining 5-10% were primarily bots and scammers, and some legitimate females. And single people looking to get involved with married people are just as bad as the cheater.
90-95% of users were married men/fathers while the remaining 5-10% were primarily bots and scammers, and some legitimate females. And single people looking to get involved with married people are just as bad as the cheater.
How did they discover honey? 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Or the first person who let milk curdle into yogurt and decided to eat that
This shot is called 'The Fallout'. . . I'll take 4, please 12 comments
· 9 years ago
You will not take 4. This is like a bloody tampon and several other nasty shots. That "explosion" cloud is curdled liquor in vodka. It's chewy and disgusting