

Psst. Hey kid! Want some dank memes?

— Refmococo Report User
Some odd rabbits 58 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
*runs with a slight buzz out the door*
Some odd rabbits 58 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
I feel pretty cool with these knees, thanks doc have a nice day preforming ludicrive surgeries!
Some odd rabbits 58 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
oh no......
Some odd rabbits 58 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
I'd like the bee's knees, that'd just be great.
Some odd rabbits 58 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Doctor, would you be able to give me another bee body part in addition to bee eyes?
Laters 3 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Because you live in fear of him, and for him to go away you must turn off your phone.
He seemed like such a nice guy aswell 12 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
1. Because until recently lgbtq+ have either been demonised or completely ignored in a majority of media
2. Corporate media thinks they are an easy marketing group
3. Some people are dumb enough to believe that a corporate entity makes a decision to make something appealing, it serves any other purpose than prying a few more pennies from your wallet.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Iz a gud toim, roight? 1 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Meanwhile Admech is just out there doing their best, giving out bionic limb, cutting off limbs, giving jobs, giving lombotomies, building industry, converting planets to forgeworlds. Truly an innovative, inspiring, oppressive, hyper conservative cult.
Every parent knows 1 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Biden is a scary man
But I wanted to play my Sahuagin Baron :( 2 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Praise the Lord (Bung)!
The final one 12 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
So (!) Is an operation called Factorial. Factorial is that number multiplied by all positive intgers before itelf. So 1!=1, 2!=2, 3!=6, 4!=24, 5!=120 etc. Factorial can also be expressed (where n is a integer) as n!=n*(n-1)*(n-2)*...*3*2*1, or can be partially expressed as n!=n*(n-1)!. If you set n=1, then 1!=1*(1-1)!=1*0!. Since since we know 1! also know 1!=1, therefore 0!=1. Also anything to the power of 0 equals one. So 0^0=0! !
SCRAW 7 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Poor Kenku girl
Not all heroes wear capes 6 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Not all assholes sit between two cheeks.
Quod probat Omnissiah 14 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Praise the omnissiah! None shall stay our halt!
Froggo Fun #60 - "Psst. Hey kids. Wanna buy some frogs?" 6 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Wait, they're a frog, who sells frogs? Are they a slave trader?!
Forwards, For the Emperor! 5 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Looks great! I've been painting/playing for a few months, I really like the custom scheme.
So cool 16 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Yeah, basic physics.
My kind of girl 3 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Oh crap 1 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
I'm sorry what, this is surely bait. Since when do people believe it's a fake image
To Yeet, or not to Yeet 6 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
If people are working harder, then they should be payed more. It's exactly relevant in the graph you illiterate troglodyte.
To Yeet, or not to Yeet 6 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
The value of goods doesn't decrease through, if anything they increase. Mininum wages, and by extension the set of all low to medium wages need to upheld by the state to maintain a standard of living for the majority of the population.
Not mine but too funny. Keep it orange Don! 6 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
He looks like the oldest whitest man in existence
Don't know why I'm laughing at this so much 2 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Some pokemon evolve when they are traded, or 'sent' to another player
Pappagalli rosa 2 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago
Rosella's are pretty
If you upvote or you down vote nothing will happen 3 comments
refmococ0 · 4 years ago