Whoops 13 comments
· 6 years ago
lol dude, I was just having an argument about this in another post. I'm with you on this. Their arguments are filled with fallacies i.e. ad homien, false attribution and circular reasoning. It's impossible to talk to them. FunSubstance users like to bully the minority. It's best to unfollow the comments and move on, like what I'm doing now. Ciao.
It's a trend from japan (making these balls) 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Everything is obvious in hindsight. All your augments are full of fallacies. A little research would show that my argument is true. But you guys don't know that? Looks like you're stupid I guess. Ciao.
It's a trend from japan (making these balls) 20 comments
· 6 years ago
If everyone has to extensively research everything they're taught, we'd be servery lacking knowledge. You're essentially blaming the source of our success as a species i.e. freely mimicking others.
It's a trend from japan (making these balls) 20 comments
It's a trend from japan (making these balls) 20 comments
It's a trend from japan (making these balls) 20 comments
· 6 years ago
What may be common knowledge to you isn't common knowledge to everyone. This doesn't mean they're dumb. Stop being arrogant.
The only acceptable selfie 7 comments
Beliebers Belibe Anything 52 comments
Random did you knows 12 comments
· 12 years ago
There really is a planet covered by burning ice. Search "Gliese 436 b" on google
Faith in humanity somewhat restored 5 comments