Born at a young age, I quickly grew in to a giant two-eyed dwarf with a heart of muscle tissue and a love of terrible black metal & xbox. based in TX, 'Murica
— reverend_meta Report User
That's so very hard to resist 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I would cannonball nevertheless I concur.
wwjd? 3 comments
· 9 years ago
If I were a church-goer and one particular Sabbath I saw merchants had set up for-profit "service" business offering candles, icons & LIVE ANIMALS TO SACRIFICE then I would do much worse than flip tables and threaten to whip. Jesus went easy on them!
Happy birthday Jesus 18 comments
this is slightly disturbing 7 comments
I'm surprised so few people question my titles 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I did this too--I wanted to think of something no one had thought of before, so I thought as hard and weird as I could and "pterodactyl with cheeseburgers for wings" was what I came up with.
He's far too obedient 4 comments
Never forget 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Common HUMAN people of average or better wealth & status prospered, other humans and ALL aliens suffered. The Empire under Palpatine's rule had very strict anti-nonhuman policies that were enforced by Stormtroopers, whether they were clones or not, conscripts or enlisted. Signing up to serve the "common good", putting on a uniform and just following orders to feed your family is also what WW2-era Nazi's did, which the mid-era Stormtroopers and Galactic Empire are clearly meant to symbolize on a lot of levels. If you took a job from a contractor right now and went over to a middle Eastern warzone (to protect your family?) and were killed in a bomb blast, who would your family blame? Not to mention that the Empire imposed severe trade tariffs and demanded tribute from almost all the inner core systems, while summarily ignoring most of the lawlessness it was supposed to be fighting in the outer rim, and openly endorsing illicit bounty hunting and slavery.
Never forget 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Contract workers, if experienced, would know what they were in for. There was a huge war going on only a few decades prior, and clones were used as disposable shock-and-awe resources... this is why they are dressed in generic light biohazard armor and called Stormtroopers. In the years following "the old stories" only the ignorant and over-privileged had the luxury of forgetting about "lazer swords" and "old damn fool wizards."
Joker's Joke 1 comments
Never forget 14 comments
· 9 years ago
something something something TIMES NEW ROMAN.
something something something HELVETICA BOLD.
something something something HELVETICA BOLD.
Never forget 14 comments
· 9 years ago
"Hey, didja hear that Grett over in the shipping & turbolasers department got a surprise promotion to Vice Admiral?" "Uh, yeah, didn't he just get married? ....we should probably shoot him a memo saying to decline the position..."
I choose you, alpacachu 2 comments
Cracked light sculpture, new york 5 comments
Cracked light sculpture, new york 5 comments
I'm not Lion it's There 60 comments