Born at a young age, I quickly grew in to a giant two-eyed dwarf with a heart of muscle tissue and a love of terrible black metal & xbox. based in TX, 'Murica
— reverend_meta Report User
Located near the tatra mountains in poland 3 comments
· 8 years ago
...I think this house does acid.
the good of 2016 35 comments
Braille chocolate message made for a blind daughter 24 comments
· 8 years ago
.... the joke being that Braille requires you to feel the characters with your fingers and computer/phone screens display a braille image but don't provide the tactile feedback necessary to "read" it .....
Quick guide to recognizing popular painters 7 comments
"f*cklings" 2 comments
· 8 years ago
For some reason this made me think of Darkwing Fuck and FuckTales theme songs.
Looks Like He's Got The Runs 2 comments
18 Unspoken Rules Of Sex 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Why would I remove my fucking socks when I am fucking? That's what they're fucking for!
If JARVIS was developed by Microsoft 5 comments
Not running for anything 1 comments
How to catch a predator 12 comments
Well, Channing Tatum seems like a cool guy 4 comments
Advanced technology... Right 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Why would they have advanced or efficient technology? It's from a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away)
Fine as hell 3 comments
· 8 years ago
This is a widely spread inaccuracy & mistranslation. Lucifer was an angel, a "satan" is a tempter being that works for God/is on His payroll and there is more than one of them. Jesus himself said "a satan cannot cast out a satan."
He has some good goals in life 4 comments
Kim possible 12 comments