

rezter Report User

Write that down!

Write that down!

Hope no future Belgian monarchs take out their anger on any Congolese people

Hope no future Belgian monarchs take out their anger on any Congolese people

The war situation has developed not necessarily to the Chum Bucket’s advantage

The war situation has developed not necessarily to the Chum Bucket’s advantage

Cuba was the first one to apologize. Russia still hasn't

Cuba was the first one to apologize. Russia still hasn't

Yes, we were in a corrupt dictatorship during that time, but we probably ended up in a

Yes, we were in a corrupt dictatorship during that time, but we probably ended up in a

World War [iced] Tea

World War [iced] Tea

A man of virtue GIF

A man of virtue

Inspired from racecar racist

Inspired from racecar racist

You accept?

You accept?

Duck’s ability

Duck’s ability