My name is Kelsey. I'm half fillipino and half white. :)
— ricecake Report User
Scary Swing in Ecuador 16 comments
· 11 years ago
I would shit my pants
Teacher wears same outfit for 40 years 20 comments
B*tches love that 3 comments
Girl Logic 24 comments
A friend sent this to me 70 comments
· 11 years ago
Wow you're too much of a pussy to make a real account so people know who to ignore so you just screw around on 'guest' making the other 'guests' look bad. If I'm such a loser then why are you still here dicking around and pissing people off? I'm not sure if you get it but no one cares about what you think.
Miss Korea Finals - Can you tell the difference? 14 comments
In their last moments 8 comments