

I'm Rick Sanchez, biiiiiotch!

— ricksanchez Report User
Learn to take a joke 27 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Morty, on the internet, every opinion is considered a pile of shit, except for opinions that aren't yours.
Learn to take a joke 27 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
It's kind of ironic. I think these jokes are funny, and someone else does not, and because they feel that their opinion is the only one that matters, they think they shouldn't have to see these things. But, the moment someone dislikes their opinions on something, they say they have the freedom to say what they want. Honestly, people just want to use the 'rules' only when it benefits them. Yes, we have the freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean that others have to like it, or even pay attention to it. Freedom of speech is exactly what it says. Say whatever the fuck you want. Other people can too, though, and while you may not agree with it, they still can say it. If you don't like it, don't sit there and argue with them why they're wrong, and why you don't like them, just ignore it and move on. Get over yourself. 'Oh no, someone on the internet said something kinda mean and I don't like it! I better send them angry messages because that's gonna actually do something!' Grow the fuck up
Good breakup advice 7 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
I am not forcing you to reply.
The 'Funny Pages' can be alright sometimes 12 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
The first comment I did here was more in the persona of Rick Sanchez, because, of course, he would point that shit out.
The 'Funny Pages' can be alright sometimes 12 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Yeah, pretty much. Kinda funny how we're doing the same convo on two posts here. Feel free to dislike me, I don't care. I don't even expect this account to last too long, because, well, I'm apparently gonna offend people with shitty jokes.
Good breakup advice 7 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Nah, I'm just tired of trying to be politically correct. Never said I'm funny either. I just don't give a shit, and by using a reference of some fake guy who also doesn't care, I guess I can provide some sorta shitty half assed comedy to some people, while also seeing how many people get butthurt by some guy on the internet. Little bit interesting, isn't it?
The 'Funny Pages' can be alright sometimes 12 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Don't care. Honestly, given my name, do you think I'm gonna be sunshine and rainbows, and try to make people like me? I'm here because I feel that someone should say what a lot of people are thinking. Do I offend you? Do my harmless words, based on satire, the truth, and shitty comedy actually hurt your feelings?
Good breakup advice 7 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Hey, I don't care if you think I'm funny or not. I'm telling the truth. Are you seriously offended by the comments of some random guy on some website, where I cannot actually do anything to you?
u cant handle the truth 5 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Don't trust the government.
Good breakup advice 7 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Love is just a chemical reaction in the brain which creates a false sense of euphoria, making you think you like them, but in reality you just want to pass on your genes. Your mind is hardwired to want to fuck any compatable mate. It's all about reproduction.
The 'Funny Pages' can be alright sometimes 12 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Not my silverware, not my problem.
The 'Funny Pages' can be alright sometimes 12 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
What are they gonna do? Buy the tv show rights and make me into some eccentric soda drinking loser? Fuck that.
The 'Funny Pages' can be alright sometimes 12 comments
ricksanchez · 6 years ago
Creation of matter would be impossible, given the amount of energy it takes, and given the fact that this is a magical wooden puppet that has no actual source of power, other than the given bullshit that allows it to move and talk, it couldn't generate the amount of energy to actually create new matter. So, that wood has to be coming from somewhere. Most likely, it's absorbing nearby material, converting it to wood, and then adding it to it's nose. If that idiot keeps that up, trying to stay warm, he won't even have a fireplace left. He could just burn the table, it seems sizeable enough. Or the puppet, given the fact that it seems to be alive, it might burn for a while.