Marine squirrel 7 comments
· 11 years ago
The Marines is just part of the navy.
Wow 8 comments
· 11 years ago
That teacher isn't awesome. He's a huge dick, and he deliberately lied to his students to make them think they had more time to prepare for a test. Not something an awesome teacher would do in my opinion.
Luv story 5 comments
Winning your virginity back 33 comments
· 11 years ago
I agree with guest that sex is loads of fun, but not that waiting is bad; you guys can all do what (or who) you want.
Bowling ball painted as a soccer ball 12 comments
Basically, don't be on everyone's face about it 23 comments
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
What you clearly don't understand is that there is no designated scientific council that decides when a hypothesis becomes a theory or when a theory becomes a law; things tend to stay with the first name that is given to them. There are laws with exceptions and there are theories that have never been disproven. There is no debate that evolution happened. There may be debates going within the scientific community about the specific mechanisms of evolution and other smaller details, but no one in the scientific community is contesting that evolution happened.
And yes creationism could be taught to children so that they could be given the opportunity to decide for themselves, but only as religion, not a science. Teaching creationism as a scientific alternative to evolution would be lying to children because it isn't one.
And yes creationism could be taught to children so that they could be given the opportunity to decide for themselves, but only as religion, not a science. Teaching creationism as a scientific alternative to evolution would be lying to children because it isn't one.
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure that you're the fool in this situation, but yeah I guess we're done talking. You can go be ignorant elsewhere now.
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
Couldn't I just use the same argument of looking out for your well being when I advocate for evolution?
And creationism cannot be taught as a science because it isn't one. Science relies on hypothesis gathered from observable data and it is constantly changing and getting better as new evidence emerges. Creationism does none of those things. It doesn't evolve. It is stagnant and it rejects/ignores facts. That's not something that I want my children to be taught. I want my children to grow up as critical thinkers who see the world as it is, not as backward and ignorant.
And creationism cannot be taught as a science because it isn't one. Science relies on hypothesis gathered from observable data and it is constantly changing and getting better as new evidence emerges. Creationism does none of those things. It doesn't evolve. It is stagnant and it rejects/ignores facts. That's not something that I want my children to be taught. I want my children to grow up as critical thinkers who see the world as it is, not as backward and ignorant.
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh and in case you haven't noticed yet, you contradicted yourself. You say that I'm a commy who forces my opinions on others yet here you are telling me that I need to embrace Jesus Christ as my own personal lord and savior. You're a hypocrite.
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
Ummm I'm not sure that I understand your explanation of how the creation story isn't a myth.
You being reduced to ad homonym attacks isn't helping your point at all, and I fail to see how my valuing proper education makes me a communist.
Oh and please do elaborate on what you have to teach me about Christianity and history. I'm pretty knowledgable on both subjects.
Edited 11 years ago
You being reduced to ad homonym attacks isn't helping your point at all, and I fail to see how my valuing proper education makes me a communist.
Oh and please do elaborate on what you have to teach me about Christianity and history. I'm pretty knowledgable on both subjects.
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
What you don't get is that it's not a difference between two equally true options; there is one that is based off of an ancient myth with absolutely no proof that it ever happened, and one that is based off of real world facts and observations.
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
Bill Nye wasn't even the best person to debate Ken Ham and he still blew him out the water. I've heard the debate compared to the Super Bowl on several occasions.
Teach your children to think 53 comments
· 11 years ago
Can I just ask why you don't believe in evolution? Because there is a wealth of evidence on the subject to the point where there really isn't any scientific debate about the core concept of evolution anymore. Obviously there are many debates going on about specific details to the theory, but the overall theory isn't really disputed by anyone scientifically. That is why Bill is saying that children shouldn't be taught that evolution is wrong because then we would be teaching them to ignore facts and to have a distorted view of reality, and that's wrong.
Clever columns. Look at the negative space 8 comments
Bartender Level-Drunk! 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah there is absolutely no evidence that weed can cause a person to become mentally handicapped. There have been studies that show it affects the hippocampus (though the jury is still out since studies have gone both ways so far).
Bartender Level-Drunk! 29 comments
· 11 years ago
I really hope you're joking about saying people become retarded from smoking weed.
Also it's really hard to get addicted to. Physically anyways. Obviously you can have a mental dependence, but that can happen with anything.
Also it's really hard to get addicted to. Physically anyways. Obviously you can have a mental dependence, but that can happen with anything.
Broke the english language 10 comments
Good guy burglar 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm not entirely sure how the fact that he called the cops on a child molester somehow proves that he only steals things out of necessity.
We're all doomed to live our afterlifes in nothingness, apparently 36 comments
· 11 years ago
I've always thought that too. I think that we (humanity) need there to be an afterlife because it is literally impossible for us to explain nonexistence.
The sad truth of our world right now 13 comments
Cringing logic 54 comments
· 11 years ago
No offense, but the advice "believe because you believe" has got to be some of the worst advice I've ever heard. The best kind of believer is an informed one. You should never believe anything for no reason at all, there should always be reasons. You should be able to point to something and say "that's why I believe". Even the Catholic Church teaches that blind faith isn't what they want believers to have. They don't want a church full of people wallowing in ignorance, you should always be able to defend your faith to others.
Also I'm an atheist because I can't find any reason to justify faith (I'm sure some of you can though), and I'm not okay with believing blindly in anything.
Oh and I went to catholic school till college so I know more about the Catholic Church than most people. It's one of the things that influenced my decision to reject it.
Also I'm an atheist because I can't find any reason to justify faith (I'm sure some of you can though), and I'm not okay with believing blindly in anything.
Oh and I went to catholic school till college so I know more about the Catholic Church than most people. It's one of the things that influenced my decision to reject it.
We don't talk much now 6 comments
· 11 years ago
This sounds like something an awesome girl would do. Not a socially awkward one.
Dem insect*tties 10 comments