

— robbouche Report User
Kooky Cookie 3 comments
robbouche · 1 year ago
You dont eat almond cookies, almond cookies eat you.
I recall doing a math problem about this dude 1 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
The little one in front is thinking about this particular math problem.
Maybe this time he won't be defeated by a straight white oppressor 3 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Don't worry there are still 50 remaining and new ones everyday
TW Political meme! 6 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
I did it for you, its a safe link.
The half-osaurus 3 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Need to see the back half of the shorts to confirm the dinosaur is in fact, not missing.
Smart creatures 3 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Thinking about how cute they look but they could literally thrash a humans face off.
Lawl 1 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
They are just joshing around
Smol Octo 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Lol I'm not sure how long
Smol Octo 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
xxkillmexx 3 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Hopefully its not a bot. Thats what tends to happen
Froggo Fun R #69 - Froggy Style 4 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
I need a head straddle please
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
If only
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
As someone who upholds Christian values, my wife is not something I can get rid of. Despite being verbally, spiritually, and mentally abused, thats not grounds for a divorce. I should have did a better evaluation of my partner before committing to a life filled of misery and chaos. While I don't struggle with depression, anxiety, or stress really; I have picked up her "burden" and I am daily affected by the fruit that she is producing.
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Oh wow, I didn't think the wording of that sentence could be used in that context unfortunately I can't replace mine even if its broken
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
I have a ford...not a f-150....does that mean I love hard?
Night shift is easy 8 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Yeah my experience with overnight work was nowhere near entertaining.
Pleasing the mad fae trickster 3 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Uncomfortable silence could have ended on a different note.
Rules are just social constructs 5 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
My wife and I are going to see a therapist and were finally making breakthroughs. I'm glad that you are seeking help outside of "make yourself great" books. We all deserve love, I agree 100%.
Rules are just social constructs 5 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Sounds like your therapist is giving you some ridiculousness. A good therapist will find a way to break it to you truthfully while also not breaking your confidence. The truth is we are all broken in unique ways but the truth can be brought to our attention in a loving manner. It would appear you havent heard this in a long time but even though you're broken, you're still loved. I love you, sincerely another broken person. (Yes, it probably sounds weird hearing i love you from a complete stranger but the truth is we all need love.)
I heard a bird sing - Oliver Herford 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
The knives? Yes, they still definitely scream but the screams only occur in my dreams.
Visions of serrated items sharp and precise, ill tell you some clues but to not follow is nice. :)
I heard a bird sing - Oliver Herford 12 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
The men with the knives are still around you see.
The men are now gone but the knives swirl in glee.
The knives flitter and flutter and swirl all about
The knives eagerly wait to hear Nelsons meek shout
The men are gone but the knives are still there?
I agree 8 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Most people who believe they are "shitty" parents believe that because they don't raise their children like their parents raised them.
Thats not typically a bad thing. I grew up in a broken home, no father figure and that caused me to step up when I had children. I didn't want to be a father but I knew what it felt like to be abandoned.
I'm sure you're not a shitty parent. Teach your children good values, how to love people, and encourage them to be helpful to their brothers and sisters (brothers and sisters of the world, that is). I'm not sure what you believe in but if you believe in God then you will recognize what I mean.
Cat vs Cheese Slice 3 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
Lol cheese strikes again
Cat vs Cheese Slice 9 comments
robbouche · 2 years ago
It definitely is lolol woke up yesterday to a car that won't reverse then the dealership is trying to full on penetrate my financial situation